It is an Technical Exam -work in Japan- Here I develop simple search application.
- Create a database according to provided schema.
- Change the connection string in model class constractor.
General Guide: The main page of app has no front-end. You will just see a statement that your app is working. To browse Developer UI:
NB: change accordingly.
API Guide: API supports three types of request GET, PUT and DELETE.
Response Type: all response will be in JSON string.
NB: all API request must be sent to main domain with required parameter.
Add Developer: send PUT request with action, api_key, email, plang(Programming Language), and lang (Language). curl command: curl -X "PUT" -d action=create_developer -d api_key=123456 -d -d plang=Java -d lang=jp
NB: use ',' for multiple Language and Programming language.
Delete Developer: send DELETE request with action, api_key, and id ( Developer ID: Change developer_id accordingly ). curl command: curl -X "DELETE" -d action=delete_developer -d api_key=123456 -d id=3
Retrive Developer: send GET request with action, api_key, and count (Number of Developer to retrieve), lang (optional), plang (optional) curl command: curl ""
Add Interview: send PUT request with action, api_key, id (Developer ID), score, comment curl command: curl command: curl -X "PUT" -d action=add_interview -d api_key=123456 -d score=5 -d comment="Sample Comment"
Delete Interview: send DELETE request with action, api_key, id (Interview ID) curl command: curl -X "DELETE" -d action=delete_interview -d api_key=123456 -d id=3
Retrieve Interview: send GET request with action, api_key, count, id (Developer ID), sort (optional : ASC or DESC) curl command: curl command: curl ""
In case of any error you will get descriptive error message.