- Pre-print: NASQAR: A web-based platform for High-throughput sequencing data analysis and visualization
- This repo contains the source code for the NASQAR homepage http://nasqar.abudhabi.nyu.edu/
- Below are links to github repos for the apps contained in NASQAR
- The Dockerfile can be used to build the latest image of NASQAR
- The latest Docker image for nasqar is available via DockerHub https://hub.docker.com/r/aymanm/nasqarall
Make sure Docker (version >= 17.03.0-ce) is installed.
docker run -p 80:80 aymanm/nasqarall:nasqar
This will run on port 80
To run on a different port:
docker run -p 8083:80 aymanm/nasqarall:nasqar
This will run on port 8083
NASQAR Custom apps:
- SeuratV3Wizard (scRNA)
- SeuratWizard (scRNA)
- deseq2shiny (Bulk RNA)
- GeneCountMerger (Pre-processing)
- ClusterProfShinyGSEA (Enrichment)
- ClusterProfShinyORA (Enrichment)
Other open-source apps: