This is a side project I created when I was learning GUI and specially PyQt5.
Monthly Salary
: The fixed salary every month.
Monthly Charges
: The estimated expenses every month.
Bonus Months Number
: The number of months you get extra bonus, If you have no bonus just leave it at 0. If you put 0 here the next field will be deactivated automatically.
Bonus Value
: Your total salary in the bonus months, eg. your fixed salary is $1000 and in the 3 months of the year you got the bonus which is $300 extra so you will put in this files the total salary in those months, in this case, will be $1300.
: it just a fancy way to display the currency symbol, so it's not a converter between currencies (I know it's a stupid dropdown menu, but it's OK).
Years to calculate
: Number of years you want to calculate, to get how much money you spend and how much money you earn and the net profit between charges and salary.
: Displays the time when you will have all those numbers below.
The rest of Filed I think It's self-explanatory.
Python version I used 3.8.5.
Install PyQt5 using:
pip install PyQt5