Overview: The DesX algorithm is a cryptographic algorithm implementation for data encryption and decryption. It is built upon the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm, enhancing its security through additional operations including XOR transformations.
Usage: The DesX algorithm provides methods for both encryption and decryption of data. It requires three keys for operation: keyInternal, keyDes, and keyExternal.
Installation: Ensure that the project.Model.crypto.algorithm package containing the DesX class is included in your Java project. Additionally, make sure you have the necessary dependencies and imports for the classes and methods used within the algorithm.
Important Notes: Ensure that the keys provided are of appropriate length and securely generated. Use the algorithm responsibly and consider additional security measures for sensitive data. License This DesX algorithm is provided under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify it according to your needs.
Acknowledgments: This algorithm is developed as part of the project.Model.crypto.algorithm package. We appreciate all contributors to this project.
For any issues or suggestions, please open an issue on the project repository.