"VideoToMp3.new.connvert_to_mp3" to mp3 method would be same as convert method which is there in this release as I have made this a generic method which also gives you the fexibility to specify your own ffmpeg conversion options
This is a video to mp3 convertor. It converts your video files into mp3
ffmpeg must be installed on your system. For information on how to install ffmpeg please check http://ffmpeg.org/download.html
gem "video_to_mp3", "~> 0.0.4"
In your code
You can intialize the code as you
video = VideoToMp3.new(input_filename, output_filename, {:ab => 64000, :ar => 22050, :destination_path => "destination/path"})
Then you will have method to convert into mp3 and the default location for the file will be "/home/username/mp3_files"
Just call video.convert and it will do the conversion
video = VideoToMp3.new
video.convert({ :input_filename => "/absolute/path/to/input/file", :output_filename => "outputfile" #you dont need to add mp3 in the end, :destination_path => "/absolute/destination/path" #this should be directory path #and any other option which which ffmpeg take for the mp3 audio conversion as key value pair #for eg :ab => 64000 --> audio bitrate '-ab 64000' })
incase you donot provide any options for conversion then it uses the default option which is
:ar => 44100, #audio rate
:q => 1, #audio quality 1..20
:ab => 128000 #audio bit rate
convert_to_mp3 has been not changed and can be used as it was
VideoToMp3.new.connvert_to_mp3("\path\to\video\file", "outputfile_name", "\destination\path")
if you do not provide the output filename and destination path then inputfile name is set as outputfile name and "mp3_files" directory get created if you do not provide the destination path
you can find the converted file at destination\path\outputfile_name.mp3
For any query or bug send me an email to naveenagarwal287@gmail.com Also let me know if any one wish to write the test suite for it.
video_to_mp3 is free software, and you are free to distribute it as is.