Repository for PADM. Application written in Kotlin used to receive dialogmeldinger from external systems, doing some validation, then pushing it to our internal systems. More information on dialogmeldinger can be found here:
Meldinger kan bli avvist av ulike grunner, da sendes såkalt negativ apprec. En årsak til avvisning kan være at behandleren som har sendt meldingen er suspendert:
- Kotlin
- Ktor
- Gradle
- JDK 21
- Spek
- Jackson
- Kafka
- JDK 21
For additional documentation see Postgres i NAV
This application owns and produces to the following topic:
- teamsykefravr.dialogmelding
- Open a web browser and go the confluence site that has the gliffy diagram you want to import, example site:
- Click on the gliffy diagram and the "Edit Digram" buttom
- Then go to File -> Export... and choose the Gliffy File Format (The gliffy diagram, should now be downloaded to you computer)
- Open a web browser and go to:
- Choose the "Open Existing Diagram", then choose the file that was downloaded from step 3.
- Click on File -> Save (The diagram is now saved as a drawio format, store it in the source code)
- Click on File -> Export as SVG...(The diagram is now saved as SVG, store it in the source code)
- Commit and push the changes so its up to date
- Open a web browser and go to:
- Choose the "Open Existing Diagram", then choose the file /src/flowchart/flyttdiagram.drawio
- Do the changes you want, and the save it as a drawio, back to /src/flowchart/flyttdiagram.drawio
- Click on File -> Export as SVG... save the file to here: file here: /src/svg/flytdiagram.svg
- Commit and push the changes so its up to date
- Open a web browser and go to:
- Choose the "Create New diagram",
- Do the changes you want, and the save it as a drawio, back to /src/flowchart/flyttdiagram.drawio
- Click on File -> Export as SVG... save the file to here: file here: /src/svg/flytdiagram.svg
- Commit and push the changes so its up to date
To build locally and run the integration tests you can simply run ./gradlew shadowJar
or on windows
gradlew.bat shadowJar
Run checking: ./gradlew --continue ktlintCheck
Run formatting: ./gradlew ktlintFormat
Apply checking: ./gradlew addKtlintCheckGitPreCommitHook
Apply formatting: ./gradlew addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook
Creating a docker image should be as simple as docker build -t padm2 .
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 padm2
Find the newest version of gradle here: Then run this command:
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version $gradleVersjon
We are available at the Slack channel #isyfo