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NDEx Pathway Relevance REST Service

Build Status

Provides a pathway relevance REST service using select networks from NDEx as a backend. This service runs using an embedded Jetty server and is invoked from the command line.


  • Centos 7+, Ubuntu 12+, and most other linux distributions should work
  • Java 11+ (jdk to build)
  • Make (to build)
  • Maven 3.6 or higher (to build)

Building NDEx Pathway Relevance REST Service

Commands build NDEx Pathway Relevance REST Service assuming machine has Git command line tools installed and above Java modules have been installed.

# In lieu of git one can just download repo and unzip it
git clone

cd ndex-enrichment-rest
mvn clean test install

The above command will create a jar file under target/ named
ndex-enrichment-rest-<VERSION>-jar-with-dependencies.jar that is a command line application

Running NDEx Pathway Relevance REST Service

The following steps cover how to create the Enrichment database. In the steps below enrichment.jar refers to the jar created previously named ndex-enrichment-rest-<VERSION>-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Step 1 Create directories and configuration file

# create directory
mkdir -p enrichdb/logs enrichdb/db enrichdb/tasks
cd enrichdb

# Generate template configuration file
java -jar enrichment.jar --mode exampleconf > enrichment.conf

The enrichment.conf file will look like the following:

# Example configuration file for Enrichment service

# Sets Enrichment database directory
enrichment.database.dir = /tmp/db

# Sets Enrichment task directory where results from queries are stored
enrichment.task.dir = /tmp/tasks

# Sets HOST URL prefix (value is prefixed to Location header when query is invoked. Can be commented out)
# =

# Sets directory where log files will be written for Jetty web server
runserver.log.dir = /tmp/logs

# Sets port Jetty web service will be run under
runserver.port = 8081

# sets Jetty Context Path for Enrichment
runserver.contextpath = /

# Valis log levels DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR ALL
runserver.log.level = INFO

# Number of workers in thread pool
enrichment.number.workers = 1

# number of results to return for a query
number.returned.results = 25

# Algorithm to use to sort results supported values (pvalue, similarity)
sort.algorithm = similarity

Replace /tmp paths with full path location to enrichdb directory created earlier.

Step 2 Create dbresults.json file

This file contains information about networks on NDEx to use to generate the Enrichment database.

Run the following to create an example dbresults.json file:

java -jar enrichment.jar --mode exampledbresults > dbresults.json

The dbresults.json file from above command will look like this (null/0 value fields removed for clarity):

  "databaseConnectionMap" : {
    "<UUID to identify entry in databaseConnectionMap>" : {
      "password" : "<NDEx account password>",
      "user" : "<NDEx account username>",
      "server" : "<NDEx server ie>",
      "networkSetId" : "<NDEx networkset UUID ie f884cd40-5426-49e6-a311-fc046802b5f6>"
    "e508cf31-79af-463e-b8b6-ff34c87e1734" : {
      "password" : "somepassword",
      "user" : "bob",
      "server" : "",
      "networkSetId" : "bf0616dd-5d7e-403a-92f3-6e12cc02eb37"
  "networksToExclude" : [ "<UUID of network in NDEx, if here network will be excluded>", "4671adc9-670d-474c-84db-37774fc885ba" ],
  "results" : [ {
    "name" : "<Name of source/database for these networks>",
    "description" : "<Brief descriptiopn of this source/database of networks>",
    "imageURL" : "<URL to png or svg to use as image icon for networks>",
    "uuid" : "<UUID to identify entry in databaseConnectionMap>",
  }, {
    "name" : "ncipid",
    "description" : "This is a description of a ncipid database",
    "imageURL" : "",
    "uuid" : "e508cf31-79af-463e-b8b6-ff34c87e1734",
  } ]

Description of dbresults.json

  • databaseConnectionMap: {...}

    Contains a map of NDEx credentials. This map is referenced by the uuid field under results

    • password - NDEx account password
    • username - NDEx account username
    • server - NDEx server to use ie
    • networkSetId - UUID of networkset on NDEx server. This networkset should contain the networks for a given database/source
  • networksToExclude

    List of zero or more of networks in NDEx to exclude. The value set should be an NDEx UUID for the network.

  • results [...]

    Contains a list of data sources or databases of networks.

    • name - Name of network database/source
    • description - Description of network database/source
    • imageURL - URL to png/svg image used as icon in UI for networks if __iconurl is NOT set on the given network
    • uuid - ID of credentials in databaseConnectionMap which has a networkSetId field that denotes contains the networks for this network database/source

Step 3 create database

To create the database run the following command:

java -jar enrichment.jar --mode createdb --conf enrichment.conf --dbresults dbresults.json

The above command will read the configuration and dbresults.json file and query NDEx for networks downloading them to folders matching uuid values under the enrichment.database.dir directory.

Step 4 Run the service

jav -jar enrichment.jar --mode runserver --conf enrichment.conf

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