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File metadata and controls

107 lines (87 loc) · 3.74 KB

This is a small project to demonstrate a basic understanding of Kubernetes.


  • Create a hello world application and deploy it within Kubernetes.
  • The application should accept HTTP requests from clients and simply return “Hello, world!”.
  • The application should be reachable from a browser/client outside of the cluster.
  • The application should keep an audit log of IP addresses which sent a request to the application.
  • Be prepared to talk about how your application works, paying particular attention to the path the HTTP request takes from the browser to the application.


  • The application can be written by you, or you can use one from the internet.
  • The application can be written in any language. Using Golang is a stretch goal.
  • The Kubernetes cluster can be any distribution. For simplicity, kind is recommended.
  • The audit log should persist through container restarts. Strive to persist the audit log permanently.
  • There are no limitations on the technologies used for traffic ingress or storage.
  • Accepting HTTPS requests is not a requirement.

Github Project

I created the application in go; see main.go in the app folder. The app exposes two resources:

/hello returns the “Hello, world!” string and logs the ip address.
/logs returns the contents of the log file for test verification purposes.

As suggested I used kind for the distribution and created the kind-config.yml file in the kubernetes folder. I also created the kube-config.yml to define all the kubernetes components (deployment, service, persistent volume, etc.).

With everything created, I then ran through the below steps to test and verify the requirements.

Note, these steps assume docker desktop, go, kubectl, and kind are installed

  1. Build main.go.
% go build
% go mod tidy
  1. Build the image.
% docker build -t hello-app $KUBE_HOME/app
  1. Create the cluster and load the image into the worker. Add the nginx controller and wait for it to be ready.
% kind create cluster --name=hello-cluster --config=$KUBE_HOME/kubernetes/kind-config.yml
% kind load docker-image hello-app --name hello-cluster --nodes hello-cluster-worker
% kubectl apply -f
% kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
  --for=condition=ready pod \ \
  1. Apply the kubernetes config file.
% kubectl apply -f $KUBE_HOME/kubernetes/kube-config.yml
  1. Verify accessibility and cause a log event.
% curl http://localhost/hello 
view at http://localhost/hello
  1. Verify the log was created in the logs directory.
% curl http://localhost/logs 
view at http://localhost/logs
  1. Restart the pod by scaling instances down to 0 and back up.
% kubectl scale deployment hello --replicas=0
% kubectl get pods // ensure the pod is gone
% kubectl scale deployment hello --replicas=1
  1. Add another log event.
% curl http://localhost/hello 
view at http://localhost/hello
  1. Verify the log has two entries.
% curl http://localhost/logs 
view at http://localhost/logs
  1. Clean up.
% kind delete cluster --name=hello-cluster
% docker image rm hello-app
