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Nicolas Dierckxsens edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 11 revisions

NOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller

NOVOPlasty is a de novo assembler and heteroplasmy/variance caller for short circular genomes.

Last updates: 03/07/20 version 4.2


Dierckxsens N., Mardulyn P. and Smits G. (2016) NOVOPlasty: De novo assembly of organelle genomes from whole genome data. Nucleic Acids Research, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw955

If you use the heteroplasmy or variance calling option, please cite both articles:

Dierckxsens N., Mardulyn P. and Smits G. (2019) Unraveling heteroplasmy patterns with NOVOPlasty. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics,

Getting help

Any issues/requests/problems/comments that are not yet addressed on this page can be posted on Github issues and I will try to reply the same day.

Or you can contact me directly through the following email address:

nicolasdierckxsens at hotmail dot com

If your assembly was unsuccessful, you could already add the log file and the configuration file to the mail, this could help me to identify the problem!