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Command-line argument parsing and validation with Zod.


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A library that simplifies the process of parsing and validating command-line arguments using the Zod validation library


npm install zod-opts # npm

yarn add zod-opts # yarn

Quick Start

File: simple.ts

import { z } from "zod";
import { parser } from "zod-opts";

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.boolean().default(false),
      alias: "a",
    option2: {
      type: z.string(),
  .parse(); // same with .parse(process.argv.slice(2))

// parsed is inferred as { option1: boolean, option2: string }
# Valid options
$ node simple.js --option1 --option2=str  # or `node simple.js -a --option2 str`
{ option1: true, option2: 'str' }

# Help
$ node simple.js --help
Usage: simple.js [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
  -a, --option1           (default: false)
      --option2 <string>                    [required]

# Invalid options show help and make exit(1)
$ node simple.js
Required option is missing: option2

Usage: simple.js [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
  -a, --option1           (default: false)
      --option2 <string>                    [required]

File: complex.ts

import { z } from "zod";
// import { parser } from "zod-opts";
import { parser } from "../src/index";

const parsed = parser()
  .name("scriptA") // script name on Usage
  .version("1.0.0") // version on Usage
    option1: {
      // if default() is specified, it will be optional option.
      type: z.string().describe("description of option").default("default"),
      argumentName: "NameA", // used in Usage.
    option2: {
      type: z
        .regex(/[a-z]+/) // you can use zod's various methods.
        .optional(), // if optional() is specified, it will be optional option.
    option3: {
      type: z.number().min(5), // accepts only number and greater than 5.
    option4: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b", "c"]).default("b"), // accepts only "a", "b", "c" and default is "b".
      // And required arguments.
      name: "arg1",
      type: z.string(),

// parsed is inferred as below.
// const parsed: {
//   option1: string;
//   option2?: string | undefined;
//   option3: number;
//   option4: "a" | "b" | "c";
//   arg1: string;
// }
# Valid options
$  node complex.js --option3=10 arg_str
  option1: 'default',
  option2: undefined,
  option3: 10,
  option4: 'b',
  arg1: 'arg_str'

# Help
$  node complex.js --help
Usage: scriptA [options] <arg1>

  arg1    [required]

  -h, --help              Show help
  -V, --version           Show version
      --option1 <NameA>   description of option (default: "default")
      --option2 <string>
      --option3 <number>                                              [required]
      --option4 <string>  (choices: "a", "b", "c") (default: "b")

# Version
$  node complex.js --version


Various option types

boolean types

  • .options() supports boolean type
  • .args() DOES NOT support boolean type

File: boolean.ts

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.boolean(), // required option. type is boolean
    option2: {
      type: z.boolean().default(false), // optional option. type is boolean
    option3: {
      type: z.boolean().optional(), // optional option. type is boolean|undefined
    option4: {
      type: z.boolean().default(false).optional(), // optional option. type is boolean|undefined

// parsed is inferred as below:
// const parsed: {
//     option1: boolean;
//     option2: boolean;
//     option3?: boolean;
//     option4?: boolean;
// }
negatable boolean

You can use '--no-' prefix to set false(ex. --no-option1).

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.boolean().default(true),
$ node script.js --no-option1
{ option1: false }

enum types

  • .options() supports enum type
  • .args() supports enum type

File: enum.ts

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]), // required option. type is "a"|"b"
    option2: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]).default("b"), // optional option. type is "a"|"b"
    option3: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]).optional(), // optional option. type is "a"|"b"|undefined
    option4: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]).default("b").optional(), // optional option. type is "a"|"b"|undefined
      name: "position1",
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]), // required arg. type is "a"|"b"

// parsed is inferred as below:
// const parsed: {
//   option1: "a" | "b";
//   option2: "a" | "b";
//   option3?: "a" | "b";
//   option4?: "a" | "b";
//   position1: "a" | "b";
// };

array types

  • .options() supports array type
  • .args() supports array type
array option

CAUTION: program --opt opt_arg1 opt_arg2 pos_arg will be treated as opt=['opt_arg1' 'opt_arg2' 'pos_arg']. In this case, the user should use program --opt opt_arg1 opt_arg2 -- pos_arg.

File: array_option.ts

const parsed = parser()
    opt: {
      type: z.array(z.string()), // required option. type is string[]
      //   type: z.array(z.string()).default([]), // optional arg. type is string[] and default is []

// parsed is inferred as below:
// const parsed: {
//   opt: string[];
// };
# Valid options
$ node array_option.js --opt str1 str2
{ opt: [ 'str1', 'str2' ] }

# Invalid options (empty array is not permitted. use `.default([])` instead).
$ node array_option.js --opt
Option 'opt' needs value: opt

Usage: array_option.js [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
      --opt <string ...>             [required]
array positional arguments

File: array_argument.ts

const parsed = parser()
      name: "pos",
      type: z.array(z.string()), // required arg. type is string[]
      //   type: z.array(z.string()).default([]), // optional arg. type is string[] and default is []

// parsed is inferred as below:
// const parsed: {
//   pos: string[];
// };
# Valid options
$ node array_argument.js str1 str2
{ pos: [ 'str1', 'str2' ] }

# Invalid options (empty array is not permitted. use `.default([])` instead).
$ node array_argument.js
Required argument is missing: pos

Usage: array_argument.js [options] <pos ...>

  pos    [required]

  -h, --help  Show help

Custom validation

You can use Zod's .refine() method to validate each option(e.g. z.string().refine((v) => v === "foo" || v === "bar", {message: "option1 must be foo or bar"}).

If you want to check combinations of options, you can use .validation() method. .validation() registers the custom validation function. And the function is called after default validation.

File: custom_validation.ts

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.number(),
    option2: {
      type: z.number(),
  .validation((parsed) => {
    if (parsed.option1 === parsed.option2) {
      throw Error("option1 and option2 must be different"); // or return "option1 and option2 must be different"
    return true;

# Valid options
$ node custom_validation.js --option1=10 --option2=11
{ option1: 10, option2: 11 }

# Invalid options
$ node custom_validation.js --option1=10 --option2=10
option1 and option2 must be different

Usage: custom_validation.js [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
      --option1 <number>             [required]
      --option2 <number>             [required]

Variadic arguments

Please refer array types.


File command.ts

import { z } from "zod";
import { parser } from "zod-opts";

const command1 = command("command1")
    option1: {
      type: z.boolean().default(false),
  .action((parsed) => {
    // parsed is inferred as { option1: boolean }
    console.log("command2", parsed);

const command2 = command("command2")
    option1: {
      type: z.string(),
  .action((parsed) => {
    // parsed is inferred as { option1: string }
    console.log("command2", parsed);

# Valid options
$ node command.js command1 --option1
command1 { option1: true }

# Invalid options
$  node command.js command2 a
Too many positional arguments

Usage: command.js command2 [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
      --option1 <string>             [required]

# Global help
$ node command.js --help
Usage: command.js [options] <command>


  -h, --help  Show help

# Command help
$ node command.js command1 --help
Usage: command.js command1 [options]

  -h, --help     Show help
      --option1  (default: false)


You can .showHelp() to show help message. And .getHelp() returns the help message.


If the parser has called with .version() method, The user can show the version with --version or -V option.

$ node complex.js --version

Advanced Usage

Reuse Zod object type

If you want to reuse Zod object type, you can define the type and use it in .options() and .args().

File: map_zod_object.ts

import { z } from "zod";
import { parser } from "zod-opts";

const OptionsSchema = z.object({
  opt1: z.string(),
  opt2: z.number().optional(),
  pos1: z.enum(["a", "b"]),

type Options = z.infer<typeof OptionsSchema>;

function parseOptions(): Options {
  return parser()
      opt1: { type: OptionsSchema.shape.opt1 },
      opt2: { type: OptionsSchema.shape.opt2 },
        name: "pos1",
        type: OptionsSchema.shape.pos1,

const options = parseOptions();

Future work ideas

  • Support nested commands.
  • Support z.array() type in options().
  • Support custom callback to handle errors, help and exit().
  • asyncParse()


Command-line argument parsing and validation with Zod.








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