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Quick start

In this guide we will see how to start the Initium Platform on a AKS cluster and deploy an application to it from a GitHub action using the Initium CLI.

Install Azure CLI Locally

Ignore this step if you already have Azure CLI setup.

Install azure-cli on your machine by following the Azure official guide.

Login to Azure

Run the command below. Note that there are different ways one can log into Azure using the Azure CLI. Refer to the az login docs if you have any questions.

For this guide, we'll use the option Sign in interactively, which will open a browser window to prompt the user for their login credentials.

az login

In case you have access to multiple Azure Subscriptions, set the account using the CLI, as described below:

az account set -s <Subscription name or Id>

Create AKS Cluster

You can ignore this step if you already have a working AKS cluster.

From your terminal, run the commands below to create a AKS cluster. Note that you need to create a new resource group to host the AKS resource (already covered by the commands).

export AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP="<Your Resource Group Name>"
export AKS_CLUSTER="initium-test-aks-cluster" # Set the name of the cluster as you require

# Create Log Analytics Workspace
export AKS_MONITORING_LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace create \
    --resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
    --workspace-name initium-test-aks-workspace \
    --query id \
    -o tsv)

# Create AKS Cluster
az aks create --resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
            --name ${AKS_CLUSTER} \
            --enable-managed-identity \
            --generate-ssh-keys \
            --admin-username aksnodeadmin \
            --node-count 1 \
            --enable-cluster-autoscaler \
            --min-count 1 \
            --max-count 2 \
            --network-plugin kubenet \
            --node-vm-size Standard_DS3 \
            --nodepool-labels nodepool-type=system nodepoolos=linux app=system-apps \
            --nodepool-name systempool \
            --nodepool-tags nodepool-type=system nodepoolos=linux app=system-apps \
            --enable-addons monitoring \
            --workspace-resource-id ${AKS_MONITORING_LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID} \
            --network-policy calico \
            --vm-set-type VirtualMachineScaleSets \
            --kubernetes-version 1.26.6

# Get Kubernetes credentials
az aks get-credentials --name ${AKS_CLUSTER}  --resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} 

We recommend you to use Standard_DS3 as the VM Node size as the Initium workloads need some memory (around 14 GiB)

Initium Platform Setup

Clone the platform repository

git clone

Install the required tooling

cd initium-platform
make asdf_install

NOTE: at this point you will need an AKS Cluster ready to use.

Check Cluster access

export AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP="<Update your resource group>"
export AKS_CLUSTER="initium-test-aks-cluster"

# Configure Credentials
az aks get-credentials --name ${AKS_CLUSTER}  --resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} 

# List Nodes
kubectl get nodes

# Cluster Info
kubectl cluster-info

Install ArgoCD

From the root of the initium-platform repo run below command

make argocd

Install ArgoCD Apps

Apply the initium-platform app-of-apps.yaml manifest

kubectl apply -f

Access ArgoCD and wait for the services to go green

  • If you installed ArgoCD using initium-platform, you should be able to create a port forward to the ArgoCD service.
    kubectl port-forward -n argocd svc/argocd-server 8080:80
  • then you retrieve the admin credentials with
    kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
  • and access it on http://localhost:8080

Setup Initium CLI.

Ignore these steps in case you already have Initium CLI installed.

  • Download the latest release of the CLI for your operating system here and add it to your PATH (depending on your security settings on macOS, you may need to accept running an application from unidentified developer).
  • Alternatively you can build the CLI from source refer repo

Deploy demo app via github actions on PR

  1. Fork the Initium NodeJS demo app

Remember to set the GitHub Actions workflow permissions to "read and write" here

  1. Setup environment varibale to hold the cluster credentials
    • remember to replace <YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> with your cluster name in below commands
    initium init service-account | kubectl apply -f -

    export INITIUM_LB_ENDPOINT="$(kubectl get service -n istio-ingress istio-ingressgateway -o go-template='{{(index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).ip}}'):80"

    export INITIUM_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters[?( == "<YOUR CLUSTER NAME>")].cluster.server}')

    export INITIUM_CLUSTER_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secrets initium-cli-token -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d)

    export INITIUM_CLUSTER_CA_CERT=$(kubectl get secrets initium-cli-token -o jsonpath="{\.crt}" | base64 -d)
  1. Create the following secrets in your forked repo

    • CLUSTER_ENDPOINT: use the output of echo $INITIUM_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT in the format ADDRESS:PORT
  2. Initialize the initium config and actions in a new branch of the repo you forked

cd initium-nodejs-demo-app
git checkout -b initium-test
initium init config --persist
initium init github
  1. Commit the changes and open a PR

  2. Wait for the action to finish running and check the logs for the application endpoint

If you followed the guide, the endpoint should look like the following


And the call should return:

Hello, World!
  1. If you merge the PR (DO NOT DELETE THE BRANCH RIGHT AWAY!!!), the service will be removed and a new one will be created for the main branch.
  1. 🚀