Neat HTTP server components provide a clean and expressive API for your application to receive HTTP requests and send HTTP responses.
To use Neat HTTP Server components you will need
- PHP 7.0 or newer
- a PSR-7 HTTP message implementation
- a PSR-17 HTTP factory implementation
To install this package, simply issue composer on the command line:
composer require neat/http-server
// Create a PSR-17 factory
$factory = new Example\Factory();
// Then create the server using this factory (three interfaces are required)
$server = new Neat\Http\Server\Server($factory, $factory, $factory);
// Write a handler to handle incoming requests
$handler = new Neat\Http\Server\Handler\CallableHandler(function (Neat\Http\Server\Request $request) {
// return new Neat\Http\Response(...);
Then use the server to receive the request, handle the request and send the response back:
/** @var Neat\Http\Server\Server $server */
/** @var Neat\Http\Server\Handler $handler */
// Receive the request
$request = $server->receive();
// Handle the request
$response = $handler->handle($request);
// Send the response
Handlers can be written from scratch using the Handler interface or created using one of the provided adapters:
// Write a handler from scratch
class Handler implements Neat\Http\Server\Handler
/** @noinspection PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspection */
public function handle(Neat\Http\Server\Request $request): Neat\Http\Response
// return new Neat\Http\Response(...);
// Alternatively write a handler using a closure
$handler = new Neat\Http\Server\Handler\CallableHandler(function (Neat\Http\Server\Request $request) {
// return new Neat\Http\Response(...);
// Or use an existing PSR-15 RequestHandlerInterface implementation
/** @var Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $psr */
$handler = new Neat\Http\Server\Handler\PsrHandler($psr);
To intercept incoming requests, outgoing responses and possibly exceptions, you can create a Middleware that adds an extra layer of control over your handler and the messages going in and out.
// Write a middleware from scratch
class Middleware implements Neat\Http\Server\Middleware
public function process(Neat\Http\Server\Request $request, Neat\Http\Server\Handler $handler): Neat\Http\Response
return $handler->handle($request);
// Or using a closure
$handler = new Neat\Http\Server\Middleware\CallableMiddleware(
function (Neat\Http\Server\Request $request, Neat\Http\Server\Handler $handler) {
return $handler->handle($request);
To use your middleware when handling the request, you can use the Dispatcher.
// Assuming we have a handler readily available, we can create a Dispatcher
// with a stack of one or more Middleware instances
/** @var Neat\Http\Server\Handler $handler */
$dispatcher = new Neat\Http\Server\Dispatcher(
new Neat\Http\Server\Middleware\CallableMiddleware(function () { /* ... */ }),
new Neat\Http\Server\Middleware\CallableMiddleware(function () { /* ... */ })
// Then using the request we can ask the dispatcher to handle the request and
// return the response from the handler through the middleware.
/** @var Neat\Http\Server\Request $request */
$response = $dispatcher->handle($request);
Creating responses from your controllers is real easy
// First create the output helper using a PSR-17 factory and a templating renderer
$factory = new Example\Factory();
$output = new Neat\Http\Server\Output($factory, $factory, function (string $template, array $data) {
// Use any templating engine you like and return the rendered result as a string
// Then create a simple text response (it will have the proper Content-Length and Content-Type header set)
$response = $output->text('Hello world!');
// Or an html response (with the text/html Content-Type header)
$response = $output->html('<html lang="en"><body>Hi!</body></html>');
// Us a custom body and add headers afterwards
$response = $output->body('{key:"value"}')->withContentType('application/json');
// Or just let the output create a JSON response directly
$response = $output->json(['key' => 'value']);
// There's even XML support
$response = $output->xml('<document><title>Long live XML</title></document>');
// Rendering a template view is just as easy using the output helper
$response = $output->view('template', ['message' => 'Hello world!']);
// Download a file
$response = $output->download(fopen('path/to/really/large/file.bin', 'r+'));
// Display it inline
$response = $output->display('path/to/file.pdf');
// Other types of responses
$response = $output->response(404, 'Page not found');
Redirecting a client to another URL is easy using the redirect output helper.
/** @var Neat\Http\Server\Input $input */
/** @var Neat\Http\Server\Output $output */
/** @var Neat\Http\Server\Request $request */
// Redirect to a url
$response = $output->redirect()->to('/go/there/instead');
// Redirect permanently
$response = $output->redirect()->permanent()->to('/go/there/instead');
// Redirect and resubmit
$response = $output->redirect()->resubmit()->to('/submit/there/instead');
// Redirect back to the referring url
$response = $output->redirect()->back($request);
// Refresh
$response = $output->redirect()->refresh($request);
// Retry input
$response = $output->redirect()->retry($input);
In your handler you can use the output helper to convert any return value other than a Neat\Http\Response into one.
$factory = new Example\Factory();
$output = new Neat\Http\Server\Output($factory, $factory);
// By default any value that isn't a Neat\Http\Response will be converted to a JSON response
$response = $output->resolve(['What now?' => 'My controller just returned this lousy array.']);
// You can learn the output to handle any type using a Response factory
$output->register('string', function (string $string) use ($output) {
return $output->html($string);
$response = $output->resolve('HELP my controller just returned a string!');
// Null could be your way of returning a 204 No content response
$output->register('null', function () use ($output) {
return $output->response(204);
// If you want objects with a __toString method to convert differently
$output->register('object', function ($object) use ($output) {
if (method_exists($object, '__toString')) {
return (string) $object;
return $output->json($object);
// You can even target specific classes or interfaces
$output->register(Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface::class, function (Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $stream) use ($output) {
return $output->response()->withBody($stream);