PiFire v1.5.0 (2023-06)
Arguably one of the biggest overhauls to PiFire since it's inception. The Probe system has been completely refactored to allow for multiple probe sensing devices (i.e. ADS1115, MAX31865, or even Virtual Probes to augment your inputs). This extension of the probe system, allows for any number of probe inputs to be tracked in PiFire, allowing from notifications and tracking of history for each probe. The sky is the limit! With this change the the probe architecture, a number of other things needed to be modified/updated, including the notification system, the history/charting, the dashboards, cookfiles and recipe modes. Note that if you are updating to this version, your settings will be upgraded in the process and you will not be able to roll back to a previous version (unless you restore from a backup of your settings).
Other Notable Updates and Features:
- One (1) Grill Probe and Many Food Probes
- Tunable probe inputs to allow for many different probe manufacturers
- Supports the ADS1115 ADC, ADS1015 ADC, and MAX31865 RTD devices for measuring probes
- Probe tuning tool to help develop probe profiles
- NEW! - Any number of probe inputs, limited only by the number of devices that the Raspberry Pi can support
- NEW! - Virtual Probes to allow you to do things like averaging probes, finding highest and lowest values of certain probes, etc.
- Socket IO for Android Application Support (GitHub User @weberbox has made a Android client app under development here: https://github.com/weberbox/PiFire-Android) (NOTE: Due to the large amount of architectural changes in v1.5.0, the Android App update is still in development. The current version of PiFire has implemented a compatibility layer so that it doesn't break compatibility with the current Android App. If you have a non-standard probe setup or more than two food probes, you may see issues. There may still be bugs, so please do submit issues on GitHub if you experience any.)
- NEW! Recipes / Recipe Mode - Integrated recipe creation and a new mode for developing a recipe 'program' that will control the grill for you and follow the recipe that was programmed.
- NEW! Updated and re-written dashboards. The dashboard has been refreshed with a new look. New 'basic' and 'default' dashboards. If you are technically inclined, you can even develop your own dashboard.
- NEW! Control panel everywhere! Allow your control panel to be displayed on almost all pages in PiFire.
- NEW! Lid open detection during hold mode to pause the controller and prevent overshoots.
- ...And much more!
Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v1.5.0