This repository gives details for the paper "Generating and Evaluating Plausible Explanations for Knowledge Graph Completion", ACL 2024.
We use the following two datasets:
- Kinship from Hinton 1990
- CoDEx from Safavi & Koutra EMNLP 2020
The baseline explanation method that we use is Gradient Rollback. Please follow the instructions in this repository to generate explanation with this method.
Follow step 1 in Gradient Rollback to create a model and corresponding influence map. GradPath provides an alternative method to compute step 2 of Gradient Rollback.
To train the Kinship model following step 1 in Gradient Rollback:
--epochs 100 \
--latent_expert_embedding_dim 10 \
--batch_size 1 \
--num_negative 13 \
--top_k 1 \
--optimizer 'adam' \
--learning_rate 0.001 \
--train_with_softmax True \
--expert 'ComplEx' \
To train the CoDEx model following step 1 in Gradient Rollback:
--epochs 500 \
--latent_expert_embedding_dim 1024 \
--batch_size 1 \
--num_negative 20 \
--top_k 1 \
--optimizer 'adam' \
--learning_rate 0.3 \
--train_with_softmax True \
--expert 'DistMult' \
Instead of generating gradient rollback explanations, we want to generate GradPath explanations. This can be done by following step 2 in Gradient Rollback, Please replace the for loop with the below code and make sure that is available.
prediction_triple = predictions[test_triple_idx][0]
prediction_str = ' '.join(prediction_triple[0:3])
current_prediction = {}
current_prediction["correct"] = one_if_top1_correct[test_triple_idx]
current_prediction["probability"] = predictions[test_triple_idx][0][3]
topN_explanations = {}
paths_all = get_all_paths(lookup_table, prediction_triple[0], prediction_triple[2], nodelimit)
for ell in range(1,nodelimit):
explanations = get_explanations(model_holder, influence_map, prediction_triple, paths_all, length=ell)
if explanations is not None and len(explanations)>TopN:
tem = sorted(explanations.items(), key=lambda item: item[1],reverse=True)
for tem_i in range(TopN):
k,v = tem[tem_i]
topN_explanations[k] = v
elif explanations is not None and len(explanations)>0:
current_prediction["explanations"] = topN_explanations
explanation_dictionary [prediction_str] = current_prediction