A very simple package to merge to object respecting decoration if any.
- Exclude/Include all class properties with decoractors
- Define group of decorators to have different option at runtime
- Define Equatable function with decorator to properly merge arrays
yarn add decorated-merger
npm i decorated-merger
Merger function will merge all newObject properties into the source object merging arrays and sub-objects, respecting all the decorators below.
merger(newObject, object); // will merge properties of newObject in object
- @Exclude at class level it will exclude all the class properties by default. The one yo want to merge will need to be set with the @Include decorator. Ex:
export class Person {
id: string;
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
status: string;
constructor(id: string, lastname: string, firstname: string, status: string) {
this.id = id;
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
this.status = status;
Only status from the new object will be merged into the source object
- @Exclude at property level it will exclude only this property. Ex:
export class Person {
id: string;
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
status: string;
constructor(id: string, lastname: string, firstname: string, status: string) {
this.id = id;
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
this.status = status;
All properties except ID of the new object will be merged into the source object
- Groups You can specify a group at the decorater level and in the merger to specify different behaviours. Ex:
export class Person {
id: string;
@Include({group: 'admin'}))
firstname: string;
@Include({group: 'admin'}))
lastname: string;
status: string;
constructor(id: string, lastname: string, firstname: string, status: string) {
this.id = id;
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
this.status = status;
If you call without group option:
merger(newObject, object);
only status will be merged in object If you call with group admin option:
merger(newObject, object, {group: 'admin'});
lastname, firstame and status will be merged in new object
- Equatable Allow you to specify if new object should be merged with an existing object in the array or if the object should be appended to the array. Ex:
@Equatable<Car>({equal: (a, b) => a.id === b.id})
export class Car {
id: string
model: string;
export class Person {
id: string;
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
cars: Car[];
constructor(id: string, lastname: string, firstname: string, cars?: Car[]) {
this.id = id;
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
this.status = status;
- override equatable a array property level.
@Equatable<Car>({equal: (a, b) => a.id === b.id})
export class Car {
id: string
@Include({group: 'garage'})
model: string;
creator: string;
notfilled: string;
price: number;
options: string[];
canUse: Person[];
buyer: Person;
@Equatable<Person>({equal: (a, b) => a.id === b.id})
export class Person {
id: string;
fixing: Car[];
middlename: string;
constructor(id: string, public lastname: string, public firstname: string, middlename: string) {
this.id = id;
this.middlename = middlename;
export const getTestCar = () => {
const car = new Car()
car.id = 'test'
car.model = 'Model 3'
car.creator = 'Elon'
car.price = 30000
return car
export const getElecticCar = () => {
const car = new ElectricCar()
car.id = 'electric'
car.model = 'Model 3'
car.creator = 'Elon'
car.price = 30000
car.percent = 50
return car
export const getTransformerCar = () => {
const car = new TransformerCar()
car.id = 'transformer'
car.creator = 'Elon'
car.model = 'Model 3'
car.price = 30000
car.surename = 'billy'
return car
export const getPersonA = () => new Person('a', 'A', 'toto', 'middlea')
export const getPersonB = () => new Person('b', 'B', 'toto', 'middleb')
it("Two simple class should merge", () => {
const car = getTestCar();
const carNew = getTestCar();
carNew.notfilled = 'test';
carNew.creator = 'toto';
carNew.model = 'Model X';
expect(car.model).toEqual('Model 3');
merger(carNew, car);
expect(car.model).toEqual('Model 3');
it("Two simple class with group should merge", () => {
const car = getTestCar();
const carNew = getTestCar();
carNew.notfilled = 'test';
carNew.creator = 'toto';
carNew.model = 'Model X';
expect(car.model).toEqual('Model 3');
merger(carNew, car, {group: 'garage'});
expect(car.model).toEqual('Model X');
it("Two simple class with new array should merge", () => {
const car = getTestCar();
const carNew = getTestCar();
const personA = getPersonA();
carNew.canUse = [personA];
merger(carNew, car);
it("Two simple class with exsiting array should merge", () => {
const car = getTestCar();
const carNew = getTestCar();
const personA = getPersonA();
const personB = getPersonB();
car.canUse = [personA];
carNew.canUse = [personB]
merger(carNew, car);
it("Two simple class with exsiting array with equals should merge", () => {
const car = getTestCar();
const carNew = getTestCar();
const personA = getPersonA();
const personB = getPersonA();
personB.lastname = 'Ab';
personB.middlename = 'cecile';
car.canUse = [personA];
carNew.canUse = [personB]
merger(carNew, car);