KikooLoL is a school project made for Need For School by the onRuntime Studio's team.
This project aims to create a gaming platform where League of Legends players can see their statistics and compare them with their friends. So they can improve their skills and become the best.
To see the documentation, start the server and go to the /docs page, there is a Swagger documentation that register every endpoints of this API.
For this project we installed:
* Symfony 5.4
* Apache 2.4.41
* PHP >= 8.x.x
* MongoDB Server
Using bundles:
* FOSRestBundle * JMSSerializerBundle * NelmiCorsBundle
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install Composer packages
composer install
- Create a .env.local file and add your riot api key
Then go to .env and set your database informations (only MongoDB)
- Initialize the database
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
- Run the server
symfony server:start
Please see our contributing rules.
- Antoine Kingue (@antoinekm)
- Jérémy Baudrin (@jerembdn)
KikooLoL Server is MIT licensed.