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Mint cNFT Farcaster Frame on Solana Boilerplate

This is an example repo of cNFT minting Farcaster Frame on Solana using Underdog Protocol and Onchainkit. The boilerplate includes a detailed implementation of creating the basic mint frame and validating user engagement on the cast.

🧩 Prerequisites & Manual Setup

You must have a Solana wallet address to interact with this frame. Check out how to create a Phantom wallet from here.

Follow the instructions for the local environment: The user must have Node.js and pnpm to run this platform. Just download Node.js from here.

Underdog Protocol API Setup

Create an account at Underdog Protocol and get your API Key from the developer dashboard.

  1. Create a project on devnet or mainnet

  2. Generate an API key and paste it into the env file. [devnet] [mainnet]

  3. You can generate your cNFTs through their API playground by providing projectId, API KEY, and metadata.

Redis Setup

Create an account at Upstash and get your Redis URL and token from the dashboard.

  1. Create a database in your preferred region and cloud provider.

  2. Get your REDIS_REST_URL and REDIS_REST_TOKEN from the REST API section of your created database dashboard.

🛠️ Local Setup Instructions

Clone the repo via CLI:

git clone 
cd cNFT-Frame-Boilerplate

Install the required packages:

pnpm install

Add required environment variables mentioned in .env.example file

touch .env.local  #Paste env variables in this file and your values

In the project directory, you can run:

pnpm dev

In the terminal, you can run: [OPTIONAL]

Install ngrok in your system and do the needful config to run your app locally and test in Frames Validator.

ngrok http http://localhost:3000

Check out Ngrok docs for more details.

🚀 Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out Next.js deployment documentation for more details.


Boilerplate of cNFT minting Farcaster Frame on Solana







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