This is an example project to identify question types. At present only the four following question categories are considered: Who, What, When, Affirmation Any sentence that does not fall in any of the above four is considered as "Unknown" type.
Example questions:
1. What is your name? Type: What
2. When is the show happening? Type: When
3. Is there a cab available for airport? Type: Affirmation
There are ambiguous cases to handle such as:
What time does the train leave?(This looks like a what question but is actually a When type).
- Dataset.label - Question data set. ( )
- Sample-Input.txt : Some random questions
- Stanford CoreNLP - for POS Tagging and NER Tagging
- Apache Spark - for data cleansing
These instructions will get you a brief idea on setting up the environment and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Java
- StansfordCoreNLP
- Apache Spark
Setup and running tests
andjava -version
to check the installation -
and check if Spark is installed properly. -
Execute the following commands from terminal to run the tests:
javac -classpath "Path to required jar files(Spark, StansfordNLP)"
java -classpath "Path to required jar files(Spark, StansfordNLP)" Main
###Classes Please start exploring from
All classes in this project are listed below:
- - To cleanse the data set. Contains the following methods:
`public void cleanse()`
- - Identifies the type of each question as Who, What, When, Affirmation and Unknown. Contains the following method:
`public void start()` `public void addToMap(String line, String type)` `public void display()` `public void writeToFile(String path)`
- - Performs Part of Speech Tagging on a question string. Contains the following method:
`public String tag(String line)`
- - Performs Named Entity Recognition on a question string, contains the following method:
`public String applyNer(String line)`
- - Checking question types 'When' and 'Affirmation'., contains the following method:
`public boolean checkWhenType(String line, String tagLine, String nerLine)` `public boolean affirmationCheck(String tagLine)`
- - Main class to test and run the classes in this project.