Today you will learn how to use:
- Latest Next.JS version 14
- Server / Client components
- Server actions (instead of API route handlers)
- Prisma (interacting with the database)
- Validate api response with zod
- Folder structure (page.tsx, loading.tsx, error.tsx)
- Dynamic routes
- Metadata, import fonts
Add all required environment variables. Look at .env.example
Install dependencies:
npm install
Setup prisma
npx prisma generate
npx prisma migrate dev --name MigrationNameHere
Run the development server:
npm run dev
// Error example
const data = await prismadb.todoItem.update({
where: { id: "1" },
data: { name: "Neki" },
Internationalization with next-intl:
Turbopack, server actions:
Website - @skillupmentor
Github - @skillupmentor
LinkedIn - @nejcrogelsek
Github - @nejcrogelsek