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File metadata and controls

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Scrape tests

The goal is to have every single feature tested and to work with TDD/BDD as much as possible. Unfortunately, testing scraping involves doing real HTTP requests which slows down stuff a bit.

The following function acts as a generic test factory. For every target URL, basic tests are performed. Additional custom validations can be provided through a callback function fn.

On the Client, Tinytest.addAsync is used instead of Tinytest.add, because there is a proxy request involved.

scrapeWebsiteTest = (url, fn) ->

  websiteDataTest = (test, data, fn) ->
    test.isTrue data.title, "title is missing!"
    test.isTrue data.tags.length, "zero tags found!"
    fn? test, data

  if Meteor.isServer
    Tinytest.add "website - #{url}", (test) ->
      data = url
      websiteDataTest test, data, fn
  # else # isClient
  #   Tinytest.addAsync "scrape - #{url}", (test, next) ->
  #     console.log Scrape
  #     Scrape.website1 url, (error, data) ->
  #       websiteDataTest test, data, fn
  #       next()

Run the following example pages. Everyone of them must work under any circumstances: (Well, except they're unavailable of course)

scrapeWebsiteTest ""
scrapeWebsiteTest ""#, (test, data) -> console.log data
scrapeWebsiteTest ""#, (test, data) -> console.log data
scrapeWebsiteTest ""
scrapeWebsiteTest ""
scrapeWebsiteTest ""#, (test, data) -> console.log data
scrapeWebsiteTest ""#, (test, data) -> console.log data
scrapeWebsiteTest ""#, (test, data) -> console.log data
scrapeWebsiteTest ";art15,1670166#ref=rss"#, (test, data) -> console.log data

Test the Feed Scraper

Declare the feed test body.

scrapeFeedTest = (url, fn) ->
  if Meteor.isServer
    Tinytest.add "feed - #{url}", (test) ->
      data = Scrape.feed url
      test.isTrue data.items.length
      for item in data.items
        test.isTrue item.title, "title is missing!"
        test.isTrue, "link is missing!"
        test.isTrue item.pubDate, "pubDate is missing!"
      fn? test, data

Define some feed test cases with uncommen feed structures:

scrapeFeedTest ""
scrapeFeedTest ""#, (test, data) -> console.log data.items[0]
scrapeFeedTest ""
scrapeFeedTest ""#, (test, data) -> console.log data.items
scrapeFeedTest ""#, (test, data) -> console.log data.items

Test Wikipedia Scraper

Declare the test body. The parameter tags is optional.

scrapeWikipediaTest = (key, lang, tags, fn) ->
  if Meteor.isServer
    Tinytest.add "wiki - [#{lang}] #{key}", (test) ->
      page = Scrape.wikipedia key, lang, tags
      test.isTrue page.title
        when fn? then fn test, page
        when _.isFunction(tags) then tags test, page

Define some test cases with different parameters:

scrapeWikipediaTest 'HTTP', 'en'#, (test, page) -> console.log page
scrapeWikipediaTest 'HTTP', 'de'#, (test, page) -> console.log page
scrapeWikipediaTest 'RK', 'de', ['Mathematik']#, (test, page) -> console.log page
scrapeWikipediaTest 'Sparkasse Chemnitz', 'de', (test, page) -> console.log page
scrapeWikipediaTest 'avengers', 'en', ['film']#, (test, page) -> console.log page

Test Mime Type Detection

Declare the mime test body.

detectMimeType = (url, mime, fn) ->
  if Meteor.isServer
    Tinytest.add "mime - #{url}", (test) ->
      type = ScrapeRequest.mime url
      test.equal type, mime
      fn? test, type

Define some test cases with different mime types:

detectMimeType "", "text/html"#, (test, data) -> console.log data
detectMimeType "", "image/jpeg"#, (test, data) -> console.log data