The app plays music from the user device's library.
This is a project during udacity's nanodegree program courses and it's not fully functional yet.
Available screens:
- Main Screen.
Activities that can be reached with intents:
- songs list
- albums list
- artists list (not implemented yet)
- etc (not implemented yet)
- Songs Screen.
Activities that can be reached with intents:
- song1
- song2 (not implemented yet)
- etc (not implemented yet)
- Albums Screen (now only the layout). Best practice is to rewrite this view with ListView or GridView and ArrayAdapter
- Playing now Screen.
It is reached by selecting the first song from songs category. It contains:
- a fab icon for adding the song to a playlist (not functioning yet)
- a SeekBar
- button for play/pause
- skip next button
- skip previous button