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GPLv3 License Build


  1. About the game
  2. Build the game
  3. Run the game
  4. Source code organization

About the game

MineDigger is a small prototype of a classical 2D sprite-based board game for desktop computers (Linux and Windows) and mobiles (Android).

It's an hypercasual match-3 game like Bejeweled or CandyCrush in its simplest expression (no metagame, no levels, no evolution, just a single and simple core main loop).

First challenge was to create in 5 days a full-featured game engine from scratch for the core main loop using SDL2 and C++.

Then, extra features like sound, fonts, path-based animations and score have been added to make the game more complete compared to a real game.

The full game code is available here and released under the GPL-3 license in the hope that it may be useful to anybody starting with SDL2, sprites manipulation or game crafting.

Associated game resources have been downloaded from the Internet with free licenses for non-commercial usage. If you are the owner of any of these resources and you changed the license type or you just want to be credited for it, please contact me at

You can install and try the final game by yourself on your Android phone from the Google Play Store:

Build the game


First of all, clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd MineDigger

You can build the game on Linux using GNU make and g++, or on Windows using either MinGW (under an environment providing GNU make like Cygwin) or Microsoft Visual Studio.

In all cases you will need a full-featured C++11 compiler and its tool suite:

To build the game under Linux, you will need to install SDL2 libraries:

  • libsdl2-dev
  • libsdl2-image-dev
  • libsdl2-mixer-dev
  • libsdl2-ttf-dev

To build the game under Windows using MinGW, you will need to install Cygwin with, at least, the following packages:

  • make
  • ncurses
  • mingw64-i686-gcc-g++
  • mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ (only if you have a 64 bits system)

To build the game under Windows using Microsoft C++ compiler, you just need to open the Visual Studio solution within /ide/msvc/MineDigger.sln.

Under Windows, with MinGW or Microsoft C++ compiler, all dependencies are already provided within the /ext directory.

Building from an IDE

Project files are provided for:

Just open the project file in your favorite IDE and launch the build command.
Configurations are provided for debug and release builds in 32 and 64 bits.

Building from the command line

You can cross-build for Linux and Windows (using MinGW) from a Linux host, or just build for Windows (using MinGW) from a Windows host using Cygwin.
All build instructions are contained in the Makefile file.

Make options are:

  • BUILD defines the build mode which can be debug (default) or release
  • PLATFORM defines the compiler suite which can be linux (default) or mingw
  • ARCH defines the architecture which can be 64 (default) or 32

Thus, you can call the following commands to build:

  • for Linux 64 bits
$ make PLATFORM=linux ARCH=64 BUILD=debug
$ make PLATFORM=linux ARCH=64 BUILD=release
  • for Linux 32 bits
$ make PLATFORM=linux ARCH=32 BUILD=debug
$ make PLATFORM=linux ARCH=32 BUILD=release
  • for Windows 64 bits (using MinGW)
$ make PLATFORM=mingw ARCH=64 BUILD=debug
$ make PLATFORM=mingw ARCH=64 BUILD=release
  • for Windows 32 bits (using MinGW)
$ make PLATFORM=mingw ARCH=32 BUILD=debug
$ make PLATFORM=mingw ARCH=32 BUILD=release

Build output

Builds intermediate files are produced within a /build/ sub-directory named against the build configuration: (linux|mingw|msc)(32|64)_(debug|release).

Builds output files are produced within a /bin/ sub-directory named against the targeted system: (linux|mingw|msc)(32|64) and the executable file is called MineDigger_debug(.exe) or MineDigger_release(.exe) depending on the build flavor.

All files needed for runtime (resources and shared libraries) are automatically copied into the right sub-directory during the build process.

Calling make clean-all cleans all builds intermediate and output files for all configurations.


To build the game for Android, you will need:

First of all you need to prebuild SDL2 static libraries for Android:

  • extract all SDL2 sources into the same temporary directory under their respective folders. You will be asked to select this root temporary directory during the build process,
  • you should obtain the same sub-folders names as in the project /ext directory,
  • then go into the project /android directory and call the build-external-libs script.
$ cd android
$ ./build-external-libs

The script will ask you for the base path where you extracted the SDL2 sources and will use them to build all SDL2 static libraries into the /android/app/prebuild directory.

Once the SDL2 static libraries have been built, you can build the game itself.
Create a file into the /android directory with paths to your Android SDK and NDK installations.



If you want to sign a release version of the game for Android, you will also need to create a keystore with your signing key.
This is not needed for building debug versions only.

$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore minedigger.keystore -alias release -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -validity 10000

Enventually, to build the game, you just need to call gradlew command with assembleDebug or assembleRelease target.

$ ./gradlew assembleDebug
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease

You can call ./gradlew clean to clean all targets and output files for Android.

Run the game

As stated above, under Windows all runtime prerequisites are already copied into the executable folder, so you just have to launch the executable file to run the game.

Under Linux, you must install SDL2 libraries before running the game: libsdl2, libsdl2-image, libsdl2-mixer, libsdl2-ttf and extra libraries for loading resources: libvorbis, libjpeg and libpng.

The game includes a log system with 3 levels of verbosity: info, warning and critical.
By default, debug versions of the game are configured with the info level and release versions with the critical level.
You can change the default verbosity from the command line using the -l or --log option with one of the following arguments:

  • info for logging all messages
  • warn or warning for logging warning and critical messages only
  • crit or critical for logging critical messages only

During the game you can switch between windowed and fullscreen modes by pressing the F11 key.

Pressing the ESC key quits the game.

Source code organization


Repository root folder contains the following sub-directories:

  • /android contains all configuration files needed to build the game for Android.

  • /ext contains any external library source code and/or binaries. Each third-party library is provided in its own sub-directory containing its version information and license, bin, include and lib sub-directories. All Windows shared libraries (DLL) included into bin sub-directories are automatically copied into the right output directory during the build process.

  • /ide contains project files for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE in /ide/msvc and Netbeans IDE in /ide/nbproject.

  • /res contains runtime game resources. All these resources are automatically copied into the right output directory during the build process.

  • /res-src contains resources sources used to make the start and score game screens. These sources have been created using The Gimp.

  • /src contains code sources.

  • root directory contains this file and the Makefile file.

/bin and /build folders are produced during the build process and can be safely deleted when not needed anymore. They are automatically deleted when calling make clean-all command.

Source code

The source code is organized around 3 main namespaces: sys, app and game representing the application layers:

  • the lowest system layer sys is in charge of all system objects, all SDL2 calls are exclusively made from this layer,

  • the intermediate generic application layer app uses the system layer to provide application basic mechanisms like application main loop, sprites and animations,

  • the upper game layer game uses the application and system layers to implement the game itself. It defines game specific behaviors through 3 nested namespaces implementing each one a different game screen: start, play and score.

     |             |            |            |
     |    start    |    play    |   score    |
     |                                       |
     |                  game                 |
      _______________________________   _____
     |                               | |     |
     |               app             | |     |
     |_______________________________| |     |
      _________________________________/     |
     |                                       |
     |                  sys                  |
     |_______________________________________| game code
      _______________________________________  third-party libraries
     |                                       |
     |                 SDL2                  |
      _________   _______   _________   _____
     |         | |       | |         | |     |
     | Windows | | Linux | | Android | | iOS |
     |_________| |_______| |_________| |_____|

All namespaces are organized hierarchically into sub-folders named against the namespace.

The sys namespace

The sys namespace contains all elements in relation with the system using SDL2 for portability.

One of the most important classes is GameEngine in charge of the system initialization at the very beginning and system cleanup at the end of the game.

This GameEngine initializes and keeps track of sub-systems:

  • ResLoader which provides low-level loading of game assets
  • AudioMixer which provides access to sound samples and music
  • Renderer which provides access to graphics

In parallel with these sub-systems, the sys namespace defines resources managing classes:

  • AudioSample and Music for sounds effects and music
  • Texture for surface drawing
  • Font for text drawing

Eventually, the sys namespace implements the logging system through the Logger class and the base interfaces needed by the upper layer to specify user inputs: IMouseListener, drawing: IDrawable and animations: IAnimated.

The GameEngine, sub-systems and all resources are created using auto-factory patterns to avoid C++ exceptions overhead and provide better control on resources allocation for future improvements (memory pools, etc...).

The app namespace

The app namespace uses the sys namespace to provide application basic mechanisms.

It implements the application main loop app::run(IGame& game) within app.cpp, using only the IGame, IGameScreen and IResHolder interfaces.

Any game must implement the IGame interface to be entirely managed by the app system.

A game is composed of one or more game screens, implemented through the IGameScreen interface.

A game screen is mainly a self-contained game level which resources are loaded before running the level and cleaned up after.
No extra resource can be loaded, nor cleaned up, during the game level execution.

All game resources (shared from the IGame object or specific to an IGameScreen level), are loaded and cleaned up through the IResHolder interface.
This latter interface allows sequential loading of resources while displaying a default loading drawable provided by the IGame object.

Here is the complete game lifecycle management provided by the app system:

  • IGame initialization:

    • Loading drawable creation through createLoadingDrawable(engine). This method must be simple and return quickly. It should create the loading sys::IDrawable that will be displayed during resources loading phases of the lifecycle.

    • Loading drawable recuperation through getLoadingDrawable(). This method is called only once to get a pointer to the loading sys::IDrawable object. This pointer is stored for further use whenever a loading drawable needs to be displayed. If returning nullptr (no specific loading drawable), the default blank screen (a black screen) will be used.

    • Shared game resources loading: if getResState(nullptr) returns READY, the system goes directly to the game main loop (no shared resources to load), else if it returns LOADING, the loading drawable is displayed and getResState(pEngine) is looped over until it returns READY.

  • IGame main loop:

    • onGameStart(mixer) is called, all game states and audio volumes should be reset here. All shared resources are guaranteed to be initialized.

    • The game main loop itself: getCurrentGameScreen() is called at the beginning of each iteration, switching active game screen on change (see IGameScreen lifecycle hereafter).

    • onGameEnd(mixer) is called, all game states cleanup and stopping/pausing audio samples/music should be performed here if necessary.

  • IGame cleanup:

    • Shared game resources destruction through cleanRes(true). This method call must be transitive and also call all embedded game screens and other IResHolder objects cleanRes(true) method.

    • Loading drawable destruction through destroyLoadingDrawable().

Each time the active game screen changes during the IGame main loop, it follows this full lifecycle:

  • IGameScreen local resources loading: if getResState(nullptr) returns READY, the system goes directly to screen main loop (no resources to load), else if it returns LOADING, the game loading drawable is displayed and getResState(pEngine) is looped over until it returns READY.

  • IGameScreen main loop:

    • onGameScreenStart(mixer) is called, all screen states and audio volumes should be reset here. All screen local resources (as well as game shared resources) are guaranteed to be initialized.

    • The screen main loop itself, processing at each iteration:

      • inputs (through sys::IMouseListener methods)
      • animations (through sys::IAnimated method)
      • drawing (through sys::IDrawable method)
    • onGameScreenEnd(mixer) is called, all screen states cleanup and stopping/pausing audio samples/music should be performed here if necessary.

  • IGameScreen cleanup: local resources may be destroyed here through cleanRes(false). It's up to the game screen to decide if it destroys its local resources here or not. In all cases, game screen local resources will be destroyed during the IGame cleanup phase when game is terminating. The method call must be transitive and also call all embedded IResHolder objects cleanRes(false) method.

Note: full-level game screens with heavy local resources should always destroy its local resources on cleanup phase, while transition screens displayed regularly (menu, options, etc...) with few resources may not.
Indeed, transition screens may be pre-loaded during game shared resources loading phase in order to allow smooth transitions.

In parallel with the game and game screens lifecycles management, the app namespace provides generic game objects with basic behaviors.
Those objects are organized around 2 main categories: sprites and drawers.

A sprite is in charge of the game object position:

  • Sprite base class provides static position and scale.

  • DynSprite child class provides dynamic position using a time corrected Verlet integration.

  • PathSprite child class provides animated position and scale interpolated along a key-frame path (using linear or Catmull-Rom interpolation).

Sprites are drawn using a delegate implementing the ISpriteDrawer interface:

  • TextureDrawer provides mechanisms to draw a sys::Texture resource using clipping (for texture atlas) and sub-images (for texture animation).

  • NumberDrawer provides mechanisms to draw a number with a shadow using a NumberStamp resource.

Eventually, the BackBoard class provides mechanisms to draw a simple static background using a sys::Texture resource or not.

The game namespace

The game namespace implements the game itself.

It is organized around 3 sub-namespaces, each of them implementing a specific game screen: start, play and score screens.

Each screen sub-namespace includes a main class implementing the app::IGameScreen interface: start::StartScreen, play::PlayScreen and score::ScoreScreen.

Those latter classes are in charge of managing screen local resources and specific game objects.

The game itself, implementing the app::IGame interface, is defined in the MineDigger class.
This class is in charge of managing game shared resources and cycling between game screens: start -> play -> score.

In order to simplify game configuration, all game parameters have been centralized within the MineDigger class and are defined in a separate file: MineDigger.cfg included statically in the MineDigger.o compilation unit.

The game::start and game::score screens

Apart from the main class implementing the app::IGameScreen interface, both screen sub-namespaces include game objects with specific behaviors.

  • start::StartSprite is an app::DynSprite embedding an app::TextureDrawer.

  • start::StartBoard is a start::StartSprite embedding a second app::TextureDrawer in order to draw an overlay when mouse goes over the start button or clicks on it.

Both objects behavior is to go out of the screen when user clicks on start button.

  • score::ScoreSprite is an app::Sprite embedding an app::TextureDrawer and an app::NumberDrawer to draw and animate the text "Score: [user score]".

  • score::BackButton is an app::Sprite embedding two app::TextureDrawer objects in order to draw the back button and an overlay when mouse goes over or clicks on the back button. On back button click, the game starts again.

The game::play screen

This namespace implements the game main screen.

Apart from PlayScreen main class in charge of managing screen local resources, the namespace includes game objects with specific behaviors:

  • SparkSprite is an app::PathSprite embedding an app::TextureDrawer in order to draw the spark climbing up towards the dynamite.

  • ScoreDisplay is an app::Sprite embedding an app::NumberDrawer in order to draw the user current score.

  • Countdown is an app::Sprite embedding an app::NumberDrawer in order to draw the playtime countdown.

All other namespace objects implement the gem board game.
This board is based on a Model-View-Controller pattern.

The model is implemented by the GemBoardModel class, offering 3 simple commands:

  • resetBoard to initialize a new game board,
  • swapGems to try to swap two gems,
  • tryCollapse to detect contiguous gems and process gems elimination if required.

The view is implemented by the GemBoardView class.
This object listens to model changes through different callbacks: onBoardReset, onCancelSwap, onValidateSwap, onGemCreated, onGemDestroyed and onGemFallen.

The view maintains a visual state of the model through an array of GemSprite sprites.

The controller behavior is shared between the GemBoardView and the GemSprite objects.

Each GemSprite is an app::DynSprite embedding an app::TextureDrawer to draw a particular gem.
It maintains an internal state: RECYCLED, FALLING, IN_PLACE, SPRING_ATTACHED or THROWN_OUT, and adapts its behavior according to its current state.
It also keeps track of the model row and column and of a target position corresponding to its place in the view.

  • A RECYCLED gem sprite does nothing, it is free to be used and placed into the view. This is the initial state of all GemSprite objects.

  • When the board is reset (onBoardReset callback), the view initializes gem sprites for all model rows and columns.
    For each model slot, it sets corresponding sprite target position, texture (according to the model gem type) and sprite state to FALLING (GemSprite::initGem).

  • While in FALLING state, gem sprite falls down under gravity until it reaches its target position.
    Then it stops, switches state to IN_PLACE and triggers model tryCollapse command to check if this movement can trigger gems elimination.

  • While in IN_PLACE state, gem sprite can be selected by user and moved around.
    When a sprite position is set away from its target position, its state switches to SPRING_ATTACHED and then it tries to get back to its target position by simulating a damped spring.
    When reaching again its target position after a SPRING_ATTACHED state, the sprite state switches back to IN_PLACE.

  • When a gem sprite is moved above another gem slot or two contiguous gems are selected, the view triggers a "try-swap" procedure:

    • target positions of swapped sprites A and B are exchanged but each gem sprite keeps its tracking model row and column (GemSprite::trySwapGem);

    • as swapped sprites A and B are now away from their new target positions, they automatically switch to SPRING_ATTACHED state and try to reach their target positions using the damped spring simulation;

    • when the first sprite reaches its new target position, it calls the model swapGems command;

    • the model processes the swap and emits a CancelSwap or ValidateSwap event received by the view through its onCancelSwap or onValidateSwap callback;

    • if the view receives a CancelSwap event, it just restores sprites A and B target positions (GemSprite::cancelMove) and both sprites will move back to their previous positions using the damped spring simulation;

    • if the view receives a ValidateSwap event, it confirms swap to sprites A and B (GemSprite::validateMove) and exchanges model rows and columns between A and B.
      When sprites A and B finally reach their new target positions, they both trigger model tryCollapse command to process gems elimination.

  • When the model processes the tryCollapse command, it can emit 3 different events: GemDestroyed, GemFallen and GemCreated. These events are received by the view through its corresponding callbacks.

  • When a gem is destroyed (onGemDestroyed callback), the view throws out the corresponding gem sprite (GemSprite::throwGemOut).
    Then the sprite switches to THROWN_OUT state and "jumps out" of the screen under gravity.
    When getting out of the screen, the sprite switches back to RECYCLED state and is ready for another cycle.

  • When a gem has to fall down to a lower row (onGemFallen callback), the view sets the corresponding sprite new target position and switches its state to FALLING (GemSprite::fallGem).
    Then, the sprite falls down to its lower position as explained hereabove (this movement will trigger another tryCollapse command when the sprite reaches its target position).

  • When a new gem is created (onGemCreated callback), the view takes a free sprite from the RECYCLED pool and initializes a new gem (GemSprite::initGem).
    It does exactly the same thing as during the onBoardReset callback but for only one particular sprite and not for all game board slots.

It is guaranteed that, for each distinct column, the model will always emit GemDestroyed events before GemFallen events and before GemCreated events. So, created and fallen gems always take place to an empty slot.