Simple ccache monitoring plugin for collectd. It requires exec plugin enabled.
- If you want keep this plugin separated from collectd installation, to keep your system clean, I recommend putting exec-ccache.db and in /usr/local/share/collectd Otherwise you can install file in any directory readable by collectd, and put contents of exec-ccache.db into main types.db from collectd installation.
- Edit /etc/collectd.conf in order to add following entries:
# Add this, to keep types definition separate from collectd defaults
TypesDB "/usr/local/share/collectd/exec-ccache.db"
# This is a must
LoadPlugin exec
# Exec plugin
<Plugin exec>
Exec bmci "/usr/local/share/collectd/"
Above configuration covers basic usage - monitors ccache with 60 seconds interval and checks ccache of user who runs collectd
Exec plugin with --help to get usage information. You can change default user, interaval and hostname, otherwise these are taken from collectd defaults.