See interim docs.
The Periodic Table of Information is a Dual-Aspect Spinozistic Interpretation of Cyberspace such that the Web of Trust and Chain of Trust are unified. Ideally our system should describe the necessary and sufficient conditions for behavior of all fields and configurations as they pertain to transmedia identity rules and hypermedia identity requirements.
Technologically PTI is "structural" specification expressed as a Formal Input Language which might support explication, aggregation, organization, integration, synthesis, resolution, unification of information as defined through its transaction artifact mass, mathematically formalized as an orthonormal periodic projectivization of Abelian homomorphic groups binding amplification symmetries between cyberspaces.
Ultimately PTI will be a specification for potentially server-less, domain-less, version-less cyberspaces. Core concepts derived from Model of Everything.
For cyberspaces, minimal and maximal procedures of truth given the discernment and classification of data, such that it is necessarily and sufficiently distinguished from information. That said, information is defined by the following metastructural specification for infocologically-sane cyberspaces.
Information, i, is
timeless factivity order
versionless motive order
serverless byzantine order
permissionless incept assertion order
tokenless assertion order
keyless closure order
trustless anti-luck order
domainless achievement order
passwordless ability order
modeless non-local order (non-deref)
S is informed that i if and only if i meets the framework of criteria outlined above. Therefore, S ascertains that p when and only when p is entailed by i, where such epistemic determinations are possible for any agent, S, to which the relevant orders are appropriate.
Any agent has spontaneous or autonomous knowledge. Autonomous knowledge of i occurs when and only when no order is satisfied; whereas spontaneous knowledge is determined by a veridical status of all orders. An example is the distinction between speaking and making noise; β knowing that A is speaking constitutes an informative fact such that the proposition given is timeless (known at-present), versionless (known purposefully), etc. So then replacing the predicate "is true" becomes a practice such that a fact's ontological status is not designated by correspondence but by coherence to the given orders, as timeless, versionless, serverless, etc. insofar as some proposition as a veridical statement is consistent with its indiscernible situation. We might say that the orders are the description of the process of errancy with respect to any undecidable statement of the situation within cyberspace. Therefore, events in cyberspace are timeless, versionless, serverless, permissionless, tokenless, keyless, trustless, domainless, passwordless, and modeless.
A cyberspace of information exchanges would be maximally egalitarian if all information exchanges are constructivistically enforced through the aforementioned protocols. Properties of a maximally egalitarian information network confers certain properties such as censorship-resistence, antifragility, decentralization, reality (this-ness), supervenience, trans-world identity, certainty, etc.
A digression might be in order. When one interacts with a coin or a paperclip serendipitously along a sidewalk, interaction with this item can be said to be meaningful or non-meaningful, but only if that interaction can be said to be purposeful or non-purposeful. For information reference architectures the genericity of these procedures of truth cohere with the non-reducible categories of discernment and classification. Maximally ascertained, an event in either the celestial spheres or in cyberspaces can be said to be meaningful; maximally classified, an event in either the spheres or spaces can be said to be purposeful. With these distinctions we formalize the basis of distinguishing holonomic and non-holonomic descriptions of spacetime, which can be said to be localized, localizable, etc. to timezones Γ la A. Braxton.
If one were to pick up a coin, an intentional stance taken toward the given is recognized as fundamentally different from an action involving a musical instrument. The local configuration of subject to patient is conceivable within the procedures of truth available to the multiple realizability of the situation, ceteris paribus, conformant to a boolean satisfiable matrix reduction over the categories of information. Such a metastructure defines the convergent norm of reality of the attributes of cyberspace for all periodically homonomic phenomena, enervating timelessly yet amplifying the contours of maximalized uniform gesture.
Beliefs and aliefs are cast along the dimensions of information life such that praxiological norms are verified by the assessment of linguistic constructs evidenced in the events of contextualized, localized, relevantized narratological discourse. Truth are designed within a consistent presentation and representation of procedures of truth.
Lm cultural economic educational societal
Lo aesthetic political scientific amorous
Lb clerical didactic inaesthetic romantic
The fact that there are 5 layers is not coincidental. We have the following layers:
Implementation details TBD
const mm = new MediaModel();
.done((mm) => {
}).error((error) => {
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Implementation details TBD