Simple manga e-commerce I made for a college project. Writen in Lua, using lapis, htmx, and picocss.
Only tested on Debian 12 Bookworm, should work fine in other distros. May or may not run on Windows.
Install PostgreSQL, Luarocks and Lua5.1/LuaJIT using your system package manager, then download the luarocks dependencies.
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib luarocks liblua5.1-dev libluajit-5.1-dev
luarocks install lapis lua-cjson bcrpyt tableshape bit lpeg --local --lua-version=5.1
Additionaly, you have to install openresty. Follow the installation instructions in openresty's installation page.
You can modify the project settings in app/config.lua
By default, PostgreSQL should be running in port 5432, have an ecommerce
database and set
the password as password
for user postgres
. The queries in sql_init.sql
can be used to create the database.
You also need to add a data/secret.lua
file, it should return a string to be
used as a secret token.
-- data/secret.lua
return "myfunnysecrethehehaha"
Go inside the app/
folder and run one of the following commands (don't forget to load your
luarocks environment):
lapis server development # to run in dev mode
lapis server production # to run in production mode
The website runs on port 8080 by default.