diff --git a/pynest/nest/server/__init__.py b/pynest/nest/server/__init__.py
index 0ea1b54eda..b820d44752 100644
--- a/pynest/nest/server/__init__.py
+++ b/pynest/nest/server/__init__.py
@@ -20,3 +20,5 @@
# along with NEST. If not, see .
from .hl_api_server import * # noqa: F401,F403
+from .hl_api_server_helpers import * # noqa: F401,F403
+from .hl_api_server_mpi import * # noqa: F401,F403
diff --git a/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server.py b/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server.py
index ff0bd2f361..c343317c9d 100644
--- a/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server.py
+++ b/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server.py
@@ -19,52 +19,33 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST. If not, see .
-import ast
-import importlib
-import inspect
-import io
import logging
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-from copy import deepcopy
-import flask
import nest
-import RestrictedPython
-from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
+from flask import Flask, abort, jsonify, request
from flask.logging import default_handler
from flask_cors import CORS
-from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
-from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
+from .hl_api_server_helpers import (
+ _check_security,
+ nest_calls,
+from .hl_api_server_mpi import api_client, do_call, log, mpi_comm
+from .hl_api_server_utils import ErrorHandler, get_arguments
# This ensures that the logging information shows up in the console running the server,
# even when Flask's event loop is running.
+# https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.3.x/logging/
root = logging.getLogger()
-def get_boolean_environ(env_key, default_value="false"):
- env_value = os.environ.get(env_key, default_value)
- return env_value.lower() in ["yes", "true", "t", "1"]
-_default_origins = "http://localhost:*,*"
-CORS_ORIGINS = os.environ.get("NEST_SERVER_CORS_ORIGINS", _default_origins).split(",")
-MODULES = os.environ.get("NEST_SERVER_MODULES", "import nest")
__all__ = [
- "do_exec",
- "set_mpi_comm",
- "nestify",
app = Flask(__name__)
@@ -72,32 +53,11 @@ def get_boolean_environ(env_key, default_value="false"):
# non-whitelisted domain.
CORS(app, origins=CORS_ORIGINS, methods=["GET", "POST"])
-mpi_comm = None
-def _check_security():
- """
- Checks the security level of the NEST Server instance.
- """
- msg = []
- msg.append("AUTH:\tThe authorization settings are disabled.")
- if "*" in CORS_ORIGINS:
- msg.append("CORS:\tThe allowed origins are not restricted.")
- msg.append("EXEC CALL:\tThe exec route is enabled and scripts can be executed.")
- msg.append("RESTRICTION: The execution of scripts is not protected by RestrictedPython.")
- if len(msg) > 0:
- print(
- "WARNING: You chose to disable important access restrictions!\n"
- " This allows other computers to execute code on this machine as the current user!\n"
- " Be sure you understand the implications of these settings and take"
- " appropriate measures to protect your runtime environment!"
- )
- print("\n - ".join([" "] + msg) + "\n")
+# https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.3.x/errorhandling/
+def error_handler(e):
+ return jsonify(e.to_dict()), e.status_code
@@ -188,119 +148,6 @@ def index():
-def do_exec(args, kwargs):
- try:
- source_code = kwargs.get("source", "")
- source_cleaned = clean_code(source_code)
- locals_ = dict()
- response = dict()
- with Capturing() as stdout:
- globals_ = globals().copy()
- globals_.update(get_modules_from_env())
- exec(source_cleaned, globals_, locals_)
- if len(stdout) > 0:
- response["stdout"] = "\n".join(stdout)
- else:
- code = RestrictedPython.compile_restricted(source_cleaned, "", "exec") # noqa
- globals_ = get_restricted_globals()
- globals_.update(get_modules_from_env())
- exec(code, globals_, locals_)
- if "_print" in locals_:
- response["stdout"] = "".join(locals_["_print"].txt)
- if "return" in kwargs:
- if isinstance(kwargs["return"], list):
- data = dict()
- for variable in kwargs["return"]:
- data[variable] = locals_.get(variable, None)
- else:
- data = locals_.get(kwargs["return"], None)
- response["data"] = nest.serialize_data(data)
- return response
- except Exception as e:
- for line in traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()):
- print(line, flush=True)
- flask.abort(EXCEPTION_ERROR_STATUS, str(e))
-def log(call_name, msg):
- msg = f"==> MASTER 0/{time.time():.7f} ({call_name}): {msg}"
- print(msg, flush=True)
-def do_call(call_name, args=[], kwargs={}):
- """Call a PYNEST function or execute a script within the server.
- If the server is run serially (i.e., without MPI), this function
- will do one of two things: If call_name is "exec", it will execute
- the script given in args via do_exec(). If call_name is the name
- of a PyNEST API function, it will call that function and pass args
- and kwargs to it.
- If the server is run with MPI, this function will first communicate
- the call type ("exec" or API call) and the args and kwargs to all
- worker processes. Only then will it execute the call in the same
- way as described above for the serial case. After the call, all
- worker responses are collected, combined and returned.
- Please note that this function must only be called on the master
- process (i.e., the task with rank 0) in a distributed scenario.
- """
- if mpi_comm is not None:
- assert mpi_comm.Get_rank() == 0
- if mpi_comm is not None:
- log(call_name, "sending call bcast")
- mpi_comm.bcast(call_name, root=0)
- data = (args, kwargs)
- log(call_name, f"sending data bcast, data={data}")
- mpi_comm.bcast(data, root=0)
- if call_name == "exec":
- master_response = do_exec(args, kwargs)
- else:
- call, args, kwargs = nestify(call_name, args, kwargs)
- log(call_name, f"local call, args={args}, kwargs={kwargs}")
- master_response = call(*args, **kwargs)
- response = [master_response]
- if mpi_comm is not None:
- log(call_name, "waiting for response gather")
- response = mpi_comm.gather(response[0], root=0)
- log(call_name, f"received response gather, data={response}")
- return combine(call_name, response)
-@app.route("/exec", methods=["GET", "POST"])
-def route_exec():
- """Route to execute script in Python."""
- args, kwargs = get_arguments(request)
- response = do_call("exec", args, kwargs)
- return jsonify(response)
- else:
- flask.abort(
- 403,
- "The route `/exec` has been disabled. Please contact the server administrator.",
- )
-# --------------------------
-# RESTful API
-# --------------------------
-nest_calls = dir(nest)
-nest_calls = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("_"), nest_calls))
@app.route("/api", methods=["GET"])
def route_api():
"""Route to list call functions in NEST."""
@@ -317,166 +164,19 @@ def route_api_call(call):
return jsonify(response)
-# ----------------------
-# Helpers for the server
-# ----------------------
-class Capturing(list):
- """Monitor stdout contents i.e. print."""
- def __enter__(self):
- self._stdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = self._stringio = io.StringIO()
- return self
- def __exit__(self, *args):
- self.extend(self._stringio.getvalue().splitlines())
- del self._stringio # free up some memory
- sys.stdout = self._stdout
-def clean_code(source):
- codes = source.split("\n")
- code_cleaned = filter(lambda code: not (code.startswith("import") or code.startswith("from")), codes) # noqa
- return "\n".join(code_cleaned)
-def get_arguments(request):
- """Get arguments from the request."""
- args, kwargs = [], {}
- if request.is_json:
- json = request.get_json()
- if isinstance(json, str) and len(json) > 0:
- args = [json]
- elif isinstance(json, list):
- args = json
- elif isinstance(json, dict):
- kwargs = json
- if "args" in kwargs:
- args = kwargs.pop("args")
- elif len(request.form) > 0:
- if "args" in request.form:
- args = request.form.getlist("args")
- else:
- kwargs = request.form.to_dict()
- elif len(request.args) > 0:
- if "args" in request.args:
- args = request.args.getlist("args")
- else:
- kwargs = request.args.to_dict()
- return list(args), kwargs
-def get_modules_from_env():
- """Get modules from environment variable NEST_SERVER_MODULES.
- This function converts the content of the environment variable NEST_SERVER_MODULES:
- to a formatted dictionary for updating the Python `globals`.
- Here is an example:
- `NEST_SERVER_MODULES="import nest; import numpy as np; from numpy import random"`
- is converted to the following dictionary:
- `{'nest': 'np': , 'random': }`
- """
- modules = {}
- try:
- parsed = ast.iter_child_nodes(ast.parse(MODULES))
- except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
- raise SyntaxError("The NEST server module environment variables contains syntax errors.")
- for node in parsed:
- if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
- for alias in node.names:
- modules[alias.asname or alias.name] = importlib.import_module(alias.name)
- elif isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
- for alias in node.names:
- modules[alias.asname or alias.name] = importlib.import_module(f"{node.module}.{alias.name}")
- return modules
-def get_or_error(func):
- """Wrapper to get data and status."""
- def func_wrapper(call, args, kwargs):
- try:
- return func(call, args, kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
- for line in traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()):
- print(line, flush=True)
- flask.abort(EXCEPTION_ERROR_STATUS, str(e))
- return func_wrapper
-def get_restricted_globals():
- """Get restricted globals for exec function."""
- def getitem(obj, index):
- typelist = (list, tuple, dict, nest.NodeCollection)
- if obj is not None and type(obj) in typelist:
- return obj[index]
- msg = f"Error getting restricted globals: unidentified object '{obj}'."
- raise TypeError(msg)
- restricted_builtins = RestrictedPython.safe_builtins.copy()
- restricted_builtins.update(RestrictedPython.limited_builtins)
- restricted_builtins.update(RestrictedPython.utility_builtins)
- restricted_builtins.update(
- dict(
- max=max,
- min=min,
- sum=sum,
- time=time,
- )
- )
- restricted_globals = dict(
- __builtins__=restricted_builtins,
- _print_=RestrictedPython.PrintCollector,
- _getattr_=RestrictedPython.Guards.safer_getattr,
- _getitem_=getitem,
- _getiter_=iter,
- _unpack_sequence_=RestrictedPython.Guards.guarded_unpack_sequence,
- _write_=RestrictedPython.Guards.full_write_guard,
- )
- return restricted_globals
-def nestify(call_name, args, kwargs):
- """Get the NEST API call and convert arguments if neccessary."""
- call = getattr(nest, call_name)
- objectnames = ["nodes", "source", "target", "pre", "post"]
- paramKeys = list(inspect.signature(call).parameters.keys())
- args = [nest.NodeCollection(arg) if paramKeys[idx] in objectnames else arg for (idx, arg) in enumerate(args)]
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- if key in objectnames:
- kwargs[key] = nest.NodeCollection(value)
- return call, args, kwargs
-def api_client(call_name, args, kwargs):
- """API Client to call function in NEST."""
- call = getattr(nest, call_name)
+@app.route("/exec", methods=["GET", "POST"])
+def route_exec():
+ """Route to execute script in Python."""
- if callable(call):
- if "inspect" in kwargs:
- response = {"data": getattr(inspect, kwargs["inspect"])(call)}
- else:
- response = do_call(call_name, args, kwargs)
+ args, kwargs = get_arguments(request)
+ response = do_call("exec", args, kwargs)
+ return jsonify(response)
- response = call
- return nest.serialize_data(response)
-def set_mpi_comm(comm):
- global mpi_comm
- mpi_comm = comm
+ abort(
+ 403,
+ "The route `/exec` has been disabled. Please contact the server administrator.",
+ )
def run_mpi_app(host="", port=52425):
@@ -486,136 +186,5 @@ def run_mpi_app(host="", port=52425):
app.run(host=host, port=port, threaded=False)
-def combine(call_name, response):
- """Combine responses from different MPI processes.
- In a distributed scenario, each MPI process creates its own share
- of the response from the data available locally. To present a
- coherent view on the reponse data for the caller, this data has to
- be combined.
- If this function is run serially (i.e., without MPI), it just
- returns the response data from the only process immediately.
- The type of the returned result can vary depending on the call
- that produced it.
- The combination of results is based on a cascade of heuristics
- based on the call that was issued and individual repsonse data:
- * if all responses are None, the combined response will also just
- be None
- * for some specific calls, the responses are known to be the
- same from the master and all workers. In this case, the
- combined response is just the master response
- * if the response list contains only a single actual response and
- None otherwise, the combined response will be that one actual
- response
- * for calls to GetStatus on recording devices, the combined
- response will be a merged dictionary in the sense that all
- fields that contain a single value in the individual responsed
- are kept as a single values, while lists will be appended in
- order of appearance; dictionaries in the response are
- recursively treated in the same way
- * for calls to GetStatus on neurons, the combined response is just
- the single dictionary returned by the process on which the
- neuron is actually allocated
- * if the response contains one list per process, the combined
- response will be those lists concatenated and flattened.
- """
- if mpi_comm is None:
- return response[0]
- if all(v is None for v in response):
- return None
- # return the master response if all responses are known to be the same
- if call_name in ("exec", "Create", "GetDefaults", "GetKernelStatus", "SetKernelStatus", "SetStatus"):
- return response[0]
- # return a single response if there is only one which is not None
- filtered_response = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, response))
- if len(filtered_response) == 1:
- return filtered_response[0]
- # return a single merged dictionary if there are many of them
- if all(type(v[0]) is dict for v in response):
- return merge_dicts(response)
- # return a flattened list if the response only consists of lists
- if all(type(v) is list for v in response):
- return [item for lst in response for item in lst]
- log("combine()", f"ERROR: cannot combine response={response}")
- msg = "Cannot combine data because of unknown reason"
- raise Exception(msg) # pylint: disable=W0719
-def merge_dicts(response):
- """Merge status dictionaries of recorders
- This function runs through a zipped list and performs the
- following steps:
- * sum up all n_events fields
- * if recording to memory: merge the event dictionaries by joining
- all contained arrays
- * if recording to ascii: join filenames arrays
- * take all other values directly from the device on the first
- process
- """
- result = []
- for device_dicts in zip(*response):
- # TODO: either stip fields like thread, vp, thread_local_id,
- # and local or make them lists that contain the values from
- # all dicts.
- element_type = device_dicts[0]["element_type"]
- if element_type not in ("neuron", "recorder", "stimulator"):
- msg = f'Cannot combine data of element with type "{element_type}".'
- raise Exception(msg) # pylint: disable=W0719
- if element_type == "neuron":
- tmp = list(filter(lambda status: status["local"], device_dicts))
- assert len(tmp) == 1
- result.append(tmp[0])
- if element_type == "recorder":
- tmp = deepcopy(device_dicts[0])
- tmp["n_events"] = 0
- for device_dict in device_dicts:
- tmp["n_events"] += device_dict["n_events"]
- record_to = tmp["record_to"]
- if record_to not in ("ascii", "memory"):
- msg = f'Cannot combine data when recording to "{record_to}".'
- raise Exception(msg) # pylint: disable=W0719
- if record_to == "memory":
- event_keys = tmp["events"].keys()
- for key in event_keys:
- tmp["events"][key] = []
- for device_dict in device_dicts:
- for key in event_keys:
- tmp["events"][key].extend(device_dict["events"][key])
- if record_to == "ascii":
- tmp["filenames"] = []
- for device_dict in device_dicts:
- tmp["filenames"].extend(device_dict["filenames"])
- result.append(tmp)
- if element_type == "stimulator":
- result.append(device_dicts[0])
- return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_helpers.py b/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97b8d2979b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# hl_api_server_helpers.py
+# This file is part of NEST.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
+# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with NEST. If not, see .
+import inspect
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import nest
+import RestrictedPython
+from nest.lib.hl_api_exceptions import NESTError
+from .hl_api_server_utils import (
+ Capturing,
+ ErrorHandler,
+ clean_code,
+ get_boolean_environ,
+ get_lineno,
+ get_modules_from_env,
+_default_origins = "http://localhost:*,*"
+CORS_ORIGINS = os.environ.get("NEST_SERVER_CORS_ORIGINS", _default_origins).split(",")
+__all__ = [
+ "nestify",
+nest_calls = dir(nest)
+nest_calls = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("_"), nest_calls))
+def _check_security():
+ """
+ Checks the security level of the NEST Server instance.
+ """
+ msg = []
+ msg.append("AUTH:\tThe authorization settings are disabled.")
+ if "*" in CORS_ORIGINS:
+ msg.append("CORS:\tThe allowed origins are not restricted.")
+ msg.append("EXEC CALL:\tThe exec route is enabled and scripts can be executed.")
+ msg.append("RESTRICTION: The execution of scripts is not protected by RestrictedPython.")
+ if len(msg) > 0:
+ print(
+ "WARNING: You chose to disable important access restrictions!\n"
+ " This allows other computers to execute code on this machine as the current user!\n"
+ " Be sure you understand the implications of these settings and take"
+ " appropriate measures to protect your runtime environment!"
+ )
+ print("\n - ".join([" "] + msg) + "\n")
+def do_exec(kwargs):
+ source_code = kwargs.get("source", "")
+ source_cleaned = clean_code(source_code)
+ locals_ = dict()
+ response = dict()
+ with Capturing() as stdout:
+ globals_ = globals().copy()
+ globals_.update(get_modules_from_env())
+ get_or_error(exec)(source_cleaned, globals_, locals_)
+ if len(stdout) > 0:
+ response["stdout"] = "\n".join(stdout)
+ else:
+ code = RestrictedPython.compile_restricted(source_cleaned, "", "exec") # noqa
+ globals_ = get_restricted_globals()
+ globals_.update(get_modules_from_env())
+ get_or_error(exec)(code, globals_, locals_)
+ if "_print" in locals_:
+ response["stdout"] = "".join(locals_["_print"].txt)
+ if "return" in kwargs:
+ if isinstance(kwargs["return"], list):
+ data = dict()
+ for variable in kwargs["return"]:
+ data[variable] = locals_.get(variable, None)
+ else:
+ data = locals_.get(kwargs["return"], None)
+ response["data"] = get_or_error(nest.serialize_data)(data)
+ return response
+def get_or_error(func):
+ """Wrapper to exec function."""
+ def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ except NESTError as err:
+ error_class = err.errorname + " (NESTError)"
+ detail = err.errormessage
+ lineno = get_lineno(err, 1)
+ except (KeyError, SyntaxError, TypeError, ValueError) as err:
+ error_class = err.__class__.__name__
+ detail = err.args[0]
+ lineno = get_lineno(err, 1)
+ except Exception as err:
+ error_class = err.__class__.__name__
+ detail = err.args[0]
+ lineno = get_lineno(err, -1)
+ for line in traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()):
+ print(line, flush=True)
+ if lineno == -1:
+ message = "%s: %s" % (error_class, detail)
+ else:
+ message = "%s at line %d: %s" % (error_class, lineno, detail)
+ raise ErrorHandler(message, lineno)
+ return func_wrapper
+def get_restricted_globals():
+ """Get restricted globals for exec function."""
+ def getitem(obj, index):
+ typelist = (list, tuple, dict, nest.NodeCollection)
+ if obj is not None and type(obj) in typelist:
+ return obj[index]
+ msg = f"Error getting restricted globals: unidentified object '{obj}'."
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ restricted_builtins = RestrictedPython.safe_builtins.copy()
+ restricted_builtins.update(RestrictedPython.limited_builtins)
+ restricted_builtins.update(RestrictedPython.utility_builtins)
+ restricted_builtins.update(
+ dict(
+ max=max,
+ min=min,
+ sum=sum,
+ time=time,
+ )
+ )
+ restricted_globals = dict(
+ __builtins__=restricted_builtins,
+ _print_=RestrictedPython.PrintCollector,
+ _getattr_=RestrictedPython.Guards.safer_getattr,
+ _getitem_=getitem,
+ _getiter_=iter,
+ _unpack_sequence_=RestrictedPython.Guards.guarded_unpack_sequence,
+ _write_=RestrictedPython.Guards.full_write_guard,
+ )
+ return restricted_globals
+def nestify(call_name, args, kwargs):
+ """Get the NEST API call and convert arguments if necessary."""
+ call = getattr(nest, call_name)
+ objectnames = ["nodes", "source", "target", "pre", "post"]
+ paramKeys = list(inspect.signature(call).parameters.keys())
+ args = [nest.NodeCollection(arg) if paramKeys[idx] in objectnames else arg for (idx, arg) in enumerate(args)]
+ for key, value in kwargs.items():
+ if key in objectnames:
+ kwargs[key] = nest.NodeCollection(value)
+ return call, args, kwargs
diff --git a/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_mpi.py b/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_mpi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aea0940bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_mpi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# hl_api_server_mpi.py
+# This file is part of NEST.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
+# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with NEST. If not, see .
+import inspect
+import time
+from copy import deepcopy
+import nest
+from .hl_api_server_helpers import do_exec, get_or_error, nestify
+__all__ = [
+ "do_call",
+ "set_mpi_comm",
+mpi_comm = None
+def api_client(call_name, args, kwargs):
+ """API Client to call function in NEST."""
+ call = getattr(nest, call_name)
+ if callable(call):
+ if "inspect" in kwargs:
+ response = {"data": getattr(inspect, kwargs["inspect"])(call)}
+ else:
+ response = do_call(call_name, args, kwargs)
+ else:
+ response = call
+ return nest.serialize_data(response)
+def combine(call_name, response):
+ """Combine responses from different MPI processes.
+ In a distributed scenario, each MPI process creates its own share
+ of the response from the data available locally. To present a
+ coherent view on the reponse data for the caller, this data has to
+ be combined.
+ If this function is run serially (i.e., without MPI), it just
+ returns the response data from the only process immediately.
+ The type of the returned result can vary depending on the call
+ that produced it.
+ The combination of results is based on a cascade of heuristics
+ based on the call that was issued and individual repsonse data:
+ * if all responses are None, the combined response will also just
+ be None
+ * for some specific calls, the responses are known to be the
+ same from the master and all workers. In this case, the
+ combined response is just the master response
+ * if the response list contains only a single actual response and
+ None otherwise, the combined response will be that one actual
+ response
+ * for calls to GetStatus on recording devices, the combined
+ response will be a merged dictionary in the sense that all
+ fields that contain a single value in the individual responsed
+ are kept as a single values, while lists will be appended in
+ order of appearance; dictionaries in the response are
+ recursively treated in the same way
+ * for calls to GetStatus on neurons, the combined response is just
+ the single dictionary returned by the process on which the
+ neuron is actually allocated
+ * if the response contains one list per process, the combined
+ response will be those lists concatenated and flattened.
+ """
+ if mpi_comm is None:
+ return response[0]
+ if all(v is None for v in response):
+ return None
+ # return the master response if all responses are known to be the same
+ if call_name in ("exec", "Create", "GetDefaults", "GetKernelStatus", "SetKernelStatus", "SetStatus"):
+ return response[0]
+ # return a single response if there is only one which is not None
+ filtered_response = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, response))
+ if len(filtered_response) == 1:
+ return filtered_response[0]
+ # return a single merged dictionary if there are many of them
+ if all(type(v[0]) is dict for v in response):
+ return merge_dicts(response)
+ # return a flattened list if the response only consists of lists
+ if all(type(v) is list for v in response):
+ return [item for lst in response for item in lst]
+ log("combine()", f"ERROR: cannot combine response={response}")
+ msg = "Cannot combine data because of unknown reason"
+ raise Exception(msg) # pylint: disable=W0719
+def do_call(call_name, args=[], kwargs={}):
+ """Call a PYNEST function or execute a script within the server.
+ If the server is run serially (i.e., without MPI), this function
+ will do one of two things: If call_name is "exec", it will execute
+ the script given in args via do_exec(). If call_name is the name
+ of a PyNEST API function, it will call that function and pass args
+ and kwargs to it.
+ If the server is run with MPI, this function will first communicate
+ the call type ("exec" or API call) and the args and kwargs to all
+ worker processes. Only then will it execute the call in the same
+ way as described above for the serial case. After the call, all
+ worker responses are collected, combined and returned.
+ Please note that this function must only be called on the master
+ process (i.e., the task with rank 0) in a distributed scenario.
+ """
+ if mpi_comm is not None:
+ assert mpi_comm.Get_rank() == 0
+ if mpi_comm is not None:
+ log(call_name, "sending call bcast")
+ mpi_comm.bcast(call_name, root=0)
+ data = (args, kwargs)
+ log(call_name, f"sending data bcast, data={data}")
+ mpi_comm.bcast(data, root=0)
+ if call_name == "exec":
+ master_response = do_exec(kwargs)
+ else:
+ call, args, kwargs = nestify(call_name, args, kwargs)
+ log(call_name, f"local call, args={args}, kwargs={kwargs}")
+ master_response = call(*args, **kwargs)
+ response = [master_response]
+ if mpi_comm is not None:
+ log(call_name, "waiting for response gather")
+ response = mpi_comm.gather(response[0], root=0)
+ log(call_name, f"received response gather, data={response}")
+ return combine(call_name, response)
+def log(call_name, msg):
+ msg = f"==> MASTER 0/{time.time():.7f} ({call_name}): {msg}"
+ print(msg, flush=True)
+def merge_dicts(response):
+ """Merge status dictionaries of recorders
+ This function runs through a zipped list and performs the
+ following steps:
+ * sum up all n_events fields
+ * if recording to memory: merge the event dictionaries by joining
+ all contained arrays
+ * if recording to ascii: join filenames arrays
+ * take all other values directly from the device on the first
+ process
+ """
+ result = []
+ for device_dicts in zip(*response):
+ # TODO: either stip fields like thread, vp, thread_local_id,
+ # and local or make them lists that contain the values from
+ # all dicts.
+ element_type = device_dicts[0]["element_type"]
+ if element_type not in ("neuron", "recorder", "stimulator"):
+ msg = f'Cannot combine data of element with type "{element_type}".'
+ raise Exception(msg) # pylint: disable=W0719
+ if element_type == "neuron":
+ tmp = list(filter(lambda status: status["local"], device_dicts))
+ assert len(tmp) == 1
+ result.append(tmp[0])
+ if element_type == "recorder":
+ tmp = deepcopy(device_dicts[0])
+ tmp["n_events"] = 0
+ for device_dict in device_dicts:
+ tmp["n_events"] += device_dict["n_events"]
+ record_to = tmp["record_to"]
+ if record_to not in ("ascii", "memory"):
+ msg = f'Cannot combine data when recording to "{record_to}".'
+ raise Exception(msg) # pylint: disable=W0719
+ if record_to == "memory":
+ event_keys = tmp["events"].keys()
+ for key in event_keys:
+ tmp["events"][key] = []
+ for device_dict in device_dicts:
+ for key in event_keys:
+ tmp["events"][key].extend(device_dict["events"][key])
+ if record_to == "ascii":
+ tmp["filenames"] = []
+ for device_dict in device_dicts:
+ tmp["filenames"].extend(device_dict["filenames"])
+ result.append(tmp)
+ if element_type == "stimulator":
+ result.append(device_dicts[0])
+ return result
+def set_mpi_comm(comm):
+ global mpi_comm
+ mpi_comm = comm
diff --git a/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_utils.py b/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4777a2411f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pynest/nest/server/hl_api_server_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# hl_api_server_utils.py
+# This file is part of NEST.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
+# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with NEST. If not, see .
+import ast
+import importlib
+import io
+import os
+import sys
+import traceback
+MODULES = os.environ.get("NEST_SERVER_MODULES", "import nest")
+class Capturing(list):
+ """Monitor stdout contents i.e. print."""
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self._stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = self._stringio = io.StringIO()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ self.extend(self._stringio.getvalue().splitlines())
+ del self._stringio # free up some memory
+ sys.stdout = self._stdout
+class ErrorHandler(Exception):
+ status_code = 400
+ lineno = -1
+ def __init__(self, message: str, lineno: int = None, status_code: int = None, payload=None):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.message = message
+ if status_code is not None:
+ self.status_code = status_code
+ if lineno is not None:
+ self.lineno = lineno
+ self.payload = payload
+ def to_dict(self):
+ rv = dict(self.payload or ())
+ rv["message"] = self.message
+ if self.lineno != -1:
+ rv["lineNumber"] = self.lineno
+ return rv
+def clean_code(source):
+ codes = source.split("\n")
+ codes_cleaned = [] # noqa
+ for code in codes:
+ if code.startswith("import") or code.startswith("from"):
+ codes_cleaned.append("#" + code)
+ else:
+ codes_cleaned.append(code)
+ return "\n".join(codes_cleaned)
+def get_arguments(request):
+ """Get arguments from the request."""
+ args, kwargs = [], {}
+ if request.is_json:
+ json = request.get_json()
+ if isinstance(json, str) and len(json) > 0:
+ args = [json]
+ elif isinstance(json, list):
+ args = json
+ elif isinstance(json, dict):
+ kwargs = json
+ if "args" in kwargs:
+ args = kwargs.pop("args")
+ elif len(request.form) > 0:
+ if "args" in request.form:
+ args = request.form.getlist("args")
+ else:
+ kwargs = request.form.to_dict()
+ elif len(request.args) > 0:
+ if "args" in request.args:
+ args = request.args.getlist("args")
+ else:
+ kwargs = request.args.to_dict()
+ return list(args), kwargs
+def get_boolean_environ(env_key, default_value="false"):
+ env_value = os.environ.get(env_key, default_value)
+ return env_value.lower() in ["yes", "true", "t", "1"]
+def get_lineno(err, tb_idx):
+ lineno = -1
+ if hasattr(err, "lineno") and err.lineno is not None:
+ lineno = err.lineno
+ else:
+ tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
+ # if hasattr(tb, "tb_lineno") and tb.tb_lineno is not None:
+ # lineno = tb.tb_lineno
+ # else:
+ lineno = traceback.extract_tb(tb)[tb_idx][1]
+ return lineno
+def get_modules_from_env():
+ """Get modules from environment variable NEST_SERVER_MODULES.
+ This function converts the content of the environment variable NEST_SERVER_MODULES:
+ to a formatted dictionary for updating the Python `globals`.
+ Here is an example:
+ `NEST_SERVER_MODULES="import nest; import numpy as np; from numpy import random"`
+ is converted to the following dictionary:
+ `{'nest': 'np': , 'random': }`
+ """
+ modules = {}
+ try:
+ parsed = ast.iter_child_nodes(ast.parse(MODULES))
+ except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
+ raise SyntaxError("The NEST server module environment variables contains syntax errors.")
+ for node in parsed:
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
+ for alias in node.names:
+ modules[alias.asname or alias.name] = importlib.import_module(alias.name)
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
+ for alias in node.names:
+ modules[alias.asname or alias.name] = importlib.import_module(f"{node.module}.{alias.name}")
+ return modules