- wget package installation
- time package installation
- improve message
- update README
- implement Git static passwords
- add git credential env vars helper
- add git credential env vars helper
- add Deno into $HOME/bin for VSCode deno.path
- add glab GitLab CLI package
- add GitLab CLI package
- add github-cli package
- add github-cli package
- add github-cli package
- report open policy agent (OPA) version
- open policy agent (OPA) is typical plugin
- add osQuery by default
- add envsubst version in doctor target
- add gettext-base for envsubst command
- git-mgitstatus was using the wrong cmd name
- add env var prefix
- add env var prefix
- add env var prefix
- add env var prefix
- invalid key name
- typo in template
- typo in template
- revert to original asdf-zoxide plugin repo
- show direnv items dimmed
- don't assume ASDF is in path (for bash)
- put task into bash script
- johnkerl/miller binary name changed
- adl unzip commands were incorrect
- Installation issue in zoxide version 0.7.6
v0.9.12 - 2021-09-19
- add bsdmainutils as git-extras dependency
v0.9.11 - 2021-09-19
- add a more complex instructional reference
- add github.com/timbod7/adl governance util
- fix gitql 2.2.1 release archive url
- fix gitql 2.2.0 release download url
- don't force deno fmt during unit testing
- fetch gitql latest release archive
- update installation step for wsl users
v0.9.9 - 2021-06-23
- use 'git semtag' instead of git-semtag
- improve contributor instructions
- improve contributor instructions
v0.9.8 - 2021-06-23
- add git-* migration TODO
- add sqlite-utils-memory to TODOs
- add gitql to run SQL queries on git objects
v0.9.7 - 2021-06-20
- add git-standup utility
- switch wscd to cdws
v0.9.6 - 2021-06-19
- add changelog generation instructions
- add curl -n and .netrc TODO
- add setup-db-admin task for DBA utils like pgcenter
v0.9.5 - 2021-06-17
- add ~/.config/z4h-zshrc/homectl.zshrc for common setup
v0.9.4 - 2021-06-17
- add exa enhanced ls tool
v0.9.3 - 2021-06-17
- add broot directory manager utility
v0.9.2 - 2021-06-17
- add zoxide 'cd' enhancement utility
v0.9.1 - 2021-06-15
- add CHANGELOG.md defaults
v0.9.0 - 2021-06-15
- add git-chlog generator infrastructure
v0.8.1 - 2021-06-15
- add .github.user.prime usage examples
- add ability to create tokenized GitHub URL
v0.8.0 - 2021-06-15
- remove URL checking through cURL
v0.7.12 - 2021-06-15
- add friendlier maintenance reporting
- run updates quietly if no errors
v0.7.11 - 2021-06-14
- add TODO
- add TODO
- integrate multi-git-status into workspaces
v0.7.10 - 2021-06-13
- use *.mgit.code-workspace as default name
v0.7.9 - 2021-06-13
- add ability to cd to symlink'd workspaces
- change mgitcd to easier wscd
v0.7.8 - 2021-06-13
- add Contributing section
- add TODO
- add readiness message and git.autofetch
v0.7.7 - 2021-06-12
- rename repo-init-ref with vscws
v0.7.6 - 2021-06-12
- add repo-init-* tasks
v0.7.5 - 2021-06-12
- add TODO
- enable setup-data-engr-enhanced by default
v0.7.4 - 2021-06-12
- use more convenient installer
v0.7.3 - 2021-06-12
- implement .pgpass secrets manager
- generalize .psqlrc
- set $CHEZMOI_CONF as private
v0.7.2 - 2021-06-12
- refine instructions
- make installations silent
- remove debugging output
- grammar
- hard-code chezmoi config
- don't interpolate env var name
- remove net-tools as requirement
- next steps were not correct
v0.7.0 - 2021-06-12
- provide git-semtag examples
- implement bootstrap instead copy/paste
- add sudo
v0.6.0 - 2021-06-12
- add Helix as TODO
- install file-server as binary, not function
- add simple-http-server
v0.5.3 - 2021-06-12
- improve explanations
- add setup-asdf-plugin-global task
- add inspect-github-repo-latest-version task
v0.5.2 - 2021-06-11
- fix directory link
- add new setup-deno task
- move deno-setup to Justfile
v0.5.1 - 2021-06-11
- update intro
- add casualjim.gotemplate
- refer to new repo