All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- (announcements) Add analytics and improve logic - by @Robert27 (f8245f7)
- (api) Add GraphQL code generation (#130) - by @Robert27 (e824635)
- (api) Extend announcement popup with platform and userKind filter - by @Robert27 (918026c)
- (app) Enable react native new arch (#131) - by @Robert27 (5f143fd)
- (app) Add truly native tabbar (#128) - by @Robert27 (a08e7f5)
- (error) Include current pathname in feedback email content - by @Robert27 (442b861)
- (events) Replace static club data with api data - by @Robert27 (a17bd68)
- (grades, profile) Add app state handling for privacy visibility - by @Robert27 (7e4b463)
- (links) Add pressreader link - by @Robert27 (15e8b9a)
- (localization) Add missing error strings for unavailable app icons (german) - by @Robert27 (1830bc7)
- (news) Add NewsCard component with carousel - by @Robert27 (7eeea3f)
- (store) Implement Zustand stores for session and route parameters management - by @Robert27 (bd40f70)
- (timetable) Migrate week view to new library - by @Robert27 (4b2ce49)
- (ui) Integrate edge-to-edge layout on android - by @Robert27 (563f55e)
- Add react native web support (#141) - by @Robert27 (c688528)
- (about) Update logoIcon styles to improve shadow effect - by @Robert27 (48229da)
- (android) Fixes laggy navigation bar background logic - by @Robert27 (fed9727)
- (android) Remove laggy page transition animations - by @Robert27 (36c63c6)
- (calendar) Enhance exam details display and improve date formatting - by @Robert27 (3ed2340)
- (cards) Correct sorting order of active announcements by priority - by @Robert27 (b853961)
- (events) Update event titles and descriptions structure - by @Robert27 (4b8ea34)
- (events) Fix camus life event filtering logic - by @Robert27 (4e543c1)
- (food) Add bottom padding to allergen and flag selection - by @Robert27 (a9a720f)
- (food) Fix translucent android header bar - by @Robert27 (932ada9)
- (lecture) Restore lecture detail navigation - by @Robert27 (b3b235f)
- (lecture) Handle null exam values - by @Robert27 (4e99ad6)
- (lecturers) Add SafeAreaView for improved searchbar layout - by @Robert27 (0258113)
- (map) Improve color handling for platform compatibility - by @Robert27 (fb7a950)
- (map) Correct query key for fetching free rooms - by @Robert27 (e08418a)
- (map) Fix laggy map bottom sheet animation - by @Robert27 (456a9db)
- (map) Room suggestion button not showing on android - by @Robert27 (bf0dc22)
- (map) Conditionally render osm attribution based on map load state - by @Robert27 (c4a0b70)
- (news) Update carousel animation and improve layout styles - by @Robert27 (157b217)
- (rooms) Disable map link for invalid rooms - by @Robert27 (57c0b92)
- (settings) Improve loading state handling - by @Robert27 (8b8fd2f)
- (share) Add placeholder button to prevent flicker on load - by @Robert27 (ddfd014)
- (store) Add reset functionality to preferences store and streamline initial state setup - by @Robert27 (fdcc4ee)
- (tabs) Revert android header styles - by @Robert27 (a180834)
- (timetable) Add end time for timetable week view - by @Robert27 (5406bb2)
- (web) Enhance styling and add missing icons - by @Robert27 (a806afb)
- Update Pressable components to use onPressOut for improved touch handling - by @Robert27 (69d31ff)
- On web, do not send user agent to anonymous THI API (because of their CORS policy) - by @M4GNV5 (1ce6147)
- Allow bug reports for web issues - by @M4GNV5 (5e1204a)
- (api) Replace graphql-request with fetch for GraphQL queries - by @Robert27 (967cd79)
- (app) Enable expo-router typed routes - by @Robert27 (651ee32)
- (layout) Simplify layout components by removing unnecessary padding and views - by @Robert27 (7131482)
- (map) Break down into several components - by @Robert27 (6fa15e3)
- (router) Replace push with navigate for consistent routing - by @Robert27 (66be9f2)
- (app) Add Zustand store for route parameters management - by @Robert27 (534b571)
- (food) Improve meal details and share logic - by @Robert27 (1c2f454)
- (lecturers) Replace FlatList with FlashList for improved performance and layout adjustments - by @Robert27 (979a179)
- (navigation) Replace InteractionManager with dismissTo for room navigation - by @Robert27 (7ce4c2a)
- (calendar) Improves semester dates section name - by @Robert27 (7422009)
- (map) Add uniform indicator style for BottomSheet components - by @Robert27 (3fa68d0)
- Migrate to Unistyles for improved theming and code style (#119) - by @Robert27 (eb33b85)
- (changelog) Enhance changelog template with remote URL and contributor tracking - by @Robert27 (b0c1b82)
- (git) Update issue templates - by @Robert27 (c907232)
- Upgrade to React Native 0.76 and Expo SDK 52 (#123) - by @Robert27 (ea90005)
- Update deployment workflows to specify distinct image names for docs and webapp - by @Robert27 (c47f73e)
- @M4GNV5 made their first contribution
0.10.1 - 2024-11-09
- (about) Update links and add FAQ section in legal screen - by @Robert27 (0e887af)
- (calendar) Add refresh control to enable exams refetching - by @Robert27 (89aadf8)
- (announcements) Integrate api changes to fix card display - by @Robert27 (8cc962d)
- (food) Correct formatting of restaurant location string - by @Robert27 (732a7c3)
- Update setup and features documentation, add changelog section - by @Robert27 (9b812b5)
- Add edit link and last updated options for documentation pages - by @Robert27 (4f17acc)
- Add changelog and git-cliff configuration - by @Robert27 (53baf9f)
Full Changelog:
0.10.0 - 2024-10-23
- (analytics) Patch aptabase to detect MacOS sessions - by @Robert27 (ca19292)
- (app) Add university sports and bump version to 0.10.0 (#109) - by @Robert27 (f85d292)
- (foodPreferences) Add warning icon to highlight footer text - by @Robert27 (616df20)
- (map) Add report issue e-mail link - by @Robert27 (d193a0c)
- (share) Create ShareHeaderButton and add share option to sports event - by @Robert27 (2d653dc)
- (grades) Add space to ECTS label and handle division by zero in average calculation - by @Robert27 (838d603)
- (links) Add padding to link text and handle undefined quicklinks - by @Robert27 (e326d37)
- (map) Map not moving to location marker on unloaded redirect - by @Robert27 (2240f20)
- (map) Fix map camera reset after redirect while bottom modal is already open - by @Robert27 (5835607)
- (map) Add conditionally rendering room availability details for guests - by @Robert27 (98364ac)
- (map) Next lecture not cleared after logout - by @Robert27 (ca4f956)
- (settings) Restrict iOS app icon navigation to non-desktop devices - by @Robert27 (8c0dc56)
- (sports) Prevents location buttons from resizing due to their fontweight - by @Robert27 (8a9bad8)
- (theme) Accent color picker not displaying default color - by @Robert27 (9564895)
- (timetable) Initial timetable card loading - by @Robert27 (93cd623)
- Update app documentation - by @Robert27 (54b5988)
- (app) Various minor improvements for 0.10 (#114) - by @Robert27 (cd6d11a)
- (dashboard) Improve card visibility logic and update state management - by @Robert27 (e6fbd79)
- (app) Fixes various styling issues - by @Robert27 (e77c58a)
- (meal) Moves share button to header - by @Robert27 (59d6b53)
- (linting) Add configuration for commit message linting - by @Robert27 (e1ba7a5)
Full Changelog:
- (app) Linting, types and custom components (#4) - by @Robert27 (f62e69e)
- (dashboard) Adds cards and pages (#9) - by @Robert27 (3e2b58c)
- (food) Adds food page (#5) - by @Robert27 (c1e4f56)
- (map) Adds campus map (#7) - by @Robert27 (0560cc3)
- (theme) Adds accent colors and themes (#6) - by @Robert27 (93de08a)
- @Robert27 made their first contribution
- @FelixDoubleu made their first contribution in #92
- @pl0ss made their first contribution in #91
- @BuildmodeOne made their first contribution in #74
- @MatthiasRaimann made their first contribution in #63
- @alexhorn made their first contribution in #41
- @bee1850 made their first contribution in #27