This package provides function to fit
- Deep Conditional Transformation Models (Baumann et al., 2021)
- Ordinal neural network transformation models (Kook et al., 2022)
- Autoregressive Transformation Models (Ruegamer et al., 2022)
- Deep Interpretable Ensembles (Kook et al., 2022)
using deeptrafo
To install deeptrafo
for the development version or
for the stable version from CRAN. If you set up a Python environment
for the first time, install reticulate
and run the check_and_install()
function from the deepregression
package. This tries to install miniconda, TF
2.10.0, TFP 0.16 and keras 2.8.0.
See here for troubleshooting your Python/R installation.
We fit a small regression model with smooth s
and neural network predictor
for the ordinal outcome rating
in the wine
data from package
. After fitting the model for a couple of epochs, we illustrate the
methods for 'deeptrafo'
objects, cross-validation and ensembles.
# Prepare the data
data("wine", package = "ordinal")
wine$z <- rnorm(nrow(wine))
wine$x <- rnorm(nrow(wine))
# Set up neural network architecture
nn <- \(x) x |>
layer_dense(input_shape = 1L, units = 2L, activation = "relu") |>
# Model formula and definition
fml <- rating ~ 0 + temp + contact + s(z, df = 3) + nn(x)
m <- deeptrafo(fml, wine, latent_distr = "logistic", monitor_metric = NULL,
return_data = TRUE, list_of_deep_models = list(nn = nn))
# Overview
# Fit
m %>% fit(epochs = 10, batch_size = nrow(wine))
# Coefficients for structured predictors
coef(m, which_param = "interacting")
coef(m, which_param = "shifting")
# Predictions in-sample
predict(m, type = "pdf")
# Prediction over the whole range of the response
predict(m, type = "pdf", newdata = wine[, -2])
# In- and out-of-sample log-likelihood
logLik(m, newdata = wine[1:10, ])
# Plot the smooth predictor
# Run a cross-validation
mcv <- cv(m, cv_folds = 3)
# Fit an ensemble of `m` with coefficients
ens <- ensemble(m, n_ensemble = 3)
# Transformation ensemble predictions
When using the software, please cite
title = {Estimating Conditional Distributions with Neural Networks Using {R} Package {deeptrafo}},
author = {Lucas Kook and Philipp F. M. Baumann and Oliver D\"urr and Beate Sick and David R\"ugamer},
journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
year = {2024},
volume = {111},
number = {10},
pages = {1--36},
doi = {10.18637/jss.v111.i10},
For methodology please cite an appropriate selection of:
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-86523-8\_1},
year = {2021},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
pages = {3--18},
author = {Philipp F. M. Baumann and Torsten Hothorn and David R\"{u}gamer},
title = {Deep Conditional Transformation Models},
booktitle = {Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track}
- Probabilistic time series forecasts with autoregressive transformation models
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2110.08248},
year = {2021},
journal = {arXiv preprint},
note = {To appear in \emph{Statistics \& Computing}},
author = {David R\"ugamer and Philipp FM Baumann and Thomas Kneib and Torsten Hothorn},
title = {Probabilistic Time Series Forecasts with Autoregressive Transformation Models}
- Ordinal neural network transformation models
doi = {10.1016/j.patcog.2021.108263},
year = {2022},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
volume = {122},
pages = {108263},
author = {Lucas Kook and Lisa Herzog and Torsten Hothorn and Oliver D\"{u}rr and Beate Sick},
title = {Deep and interpretable regression models for ordinal outcomes},
journal = {Pattern Recognition}
- Transformation ensembles
title={Deep interpretable ensembles},
author={Kook, Lucas and G{\"o}tschi, Andrea and Baumann, Philipp FM and Hothorn, Torsten and Sick, Beate},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.12729},