Removes node modules and build time files from your project directories. Silently uninstall dependencies 💨.
Neural Line
Neat and controlled.
T.I.D.Y ~/ˈtʌɪdi/
cli version 0.0.4 - 2020
npm i -g @neuralline/tidy
yarn add -g @neuralline/tidy
then you can use 'tidy' cli on your terminal
npx @neuralline/tidy
After installation
type 'tidy' to list available options, atm [scan, clean, help]
type 'tidy scan' or 'tidy up' on your terminal to scan or remove unnecessary files from your project directories and sub directories
Finds and Removes installed npm dependencies, node_modules, cache and other build time files/directories from your machine. If you are like me, clone git projects to test, revers engineer or use create-react-app a lot chances are there are huge npm dependencies installed every where. Sometimes twice [server, client]. This cli app will help you keep your project neat and tidy
- Tidy removes downloaded dependencies and build time files silently. Since these files are not meant to be tracked by git no further action required. type install when its time.
- No need to do it individually for each project. Tidy is automated
- Also provides other related information, like number of project directories with package.json etc...
- Uses all the latest technologies JavaScript and Node could offer in 2020
- clean removes [node_modules, .cache, .yarn, .pnp] files
- scan tracks [.vscode, .idea, .yarn-error.log, build , dist]
- destructuring and unit testing
- performance improvement
- uses the new Promise.allSettled module
- might require Node 12 to run
- built with 'Node 14'
- shake down some dependencies and went native
- full TypeScript
- transpile to 'ESNEXT'
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