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The goal of this repository is to train and evaluate different physics prediction models under various pretraining and readout protocols. The procedure consists of three phases, as follows:

  1. Pretraining: Train the physics prediction model on its specific prediction task on the specific train dataset.
  2. Extraction: Extract model features for the readout training and testing datasets.
  3. Readout: Train a model to predict the task labels using extracted features, and evaluate the trained readout model on the readout test set.

Runs and artifacts from running the pipeline are recorded with MLflow.

How to Install

Recommended: Create a virtualenv with virtualenv -p python3 .venv and activate it using source .venv/bin/activate. Note that you will likely run into issues if you use python3 if it is an older version. python3.5 may cause issues while python3.7 appears to be fine. You may be able to find later python versions in /usr/bin.

Run pip install -e . in the root physopt directory to install the physopt package. You will also need to install the correct version of PyTorch for your system, see this link for instructions.

In order to use PostgreSQL as the MLflow backend store, you'll need to install postgresql with sudo apt-get install postgresql, if it's not installed already -- you can check with psql --version.

How To Run


To run, use run from physopt.opt. The only required commandline argument is --config or -C, which should point to the .yaml config file (see Configuration). Optionally, you may also choose to specifiy the output directory where the results are saved (with --output or -O).

For convenience, you can use the following environment variables: PHYSOPT_CONFIG_DIR, which specifies the directory to look for configs if passed a relative path, and PHYSOPT_OUTPUT_DIR, which specifies the output directory to use if none is specified in the commandline. Also, setup_environment_vars is also provided in physopt.opt which allows you to specify the environment variables using a .yaml file.

Local files will be saved to [OUTPUT_DIR]/[DBNAME] and MLflow files will be saved in the [OUTPUT_DIR]/[DBNAME]/mlruns subdirectory.

Remote MLflow Tracking Server

MLflow allows for using a remote Tracking Server. Specifically, we use a Postgres database for backend entity storage and an S3 bucket for artifact storage. This requires setting up PostgreSQL and Amazon S3 as detailed in the Setup section above. The relevant cofig file settings are HOSTPORT (format host:port) and DBNAME (default: physopt).


The default configuration can be found in physopt/, which is updated by specifying a YAML configuration file using the --config (or -C) commandline argument. The following are required:

Data Spaces Specification

The DATA_SPACE.FUNC (defaults to get_data_spaces) from the specified DATA_SPACE.MODULE must return a list of dicts with the following structure:

  • pretraining: dict with name, train, and test that specify the dataset/scenario name, train datapaths, and test datapaths, respectively
  • readout: a list of dicts, with each dict having the same format as in pretraining but specifying data for readout phase instead

Any kwargs for DATA_SPACE.FUNC can be specified using DATA_SPACE.KWARGS.

The seeds, specified by DATA_SPACE.SEEDS, should be a list of seeds to use. Each set of pretraining and readout datasets (i.e. each element of the list of dicts returned by DATA_SPACE.FUNC) will be run with each seed.

An example of how the data spaces can be constructed can be found in the physics-models repo.

Model Specification

Running a model in physopt requires creating an Objective class for each phase (pretraining, extraction, and readout), specified by [PHASE].OBJECTIVE_MODULE and [PHASE].OBJECTIVE_NAME in the config.

Your PretrainingObjective should inherit from PretrainingObjectiveBase (link) and requires implementing the following methods:

  • get_pretraining_dataloader: Takes as input params a list of datapaths and a bool train flag. Returns the dataloader object that can be iterated over for batches of data
  • train_step: Takes as input a batch of data, performs the train optimization step, and returns the scalar loss value for that step
  • val_step: Takes as input a batch of data, performs validation on that batch, and returns the scalar metric used for validation

Your ExtractionObjective should inherit from ExtractionObjecitveBase and requires implmenting the following methods:

  • get_readout_dataloader: Takes as input params a list of datapaths. Returns the dataloader object that can be iterated over for batches of data
  • extract_feat_step: Takes as input a batch of data, and outputs a dict with input_states, observed_states, simulated_states, labels, and stimulus_name

A simple logistic regression readout model is provided in physics-models, but a different ReadoutObjective can be used by inheriting from ReadoutObjectiveBase and implementing:

  • get_readout_model: Returns a model object that has the following methods: fit, predict, and predict_proba.

The PretrainingObjective and ExtractionObjective both also inherit from PhysOptModel, which requires implementing:

  • get_model: Returns the model object
  • load_model: Implements loading of the model given a model checkpoint file
  • save_model: Implements saving of the model given a model checkpoint file

An example can be found here.



Connect to the PostgreSQL server using sudo -u postgres psql. You should see the prompt start with postgres=#. Next, create a user with username and password "physopt" using CREATE USER physopt WITH PASSWORD 'physopt' CREATEDB;. Verify that the user was created successfully with \du.

You can change the port by changing the setting in the postgresql.conf file, whose location can be shown using SHOW config_file;. After you change postgresql.conf make sure to restart the server using sudo service postgresql restart. You can check what port is being used with \conninfo after connecting to the server.

Amazon S3

In order to use S3 as the MLflow artifact store, you'll need to add your AWS credentials to ~/.aws/credentials. See this link for more information about the AWS credential file.

MLflow Tracking UI

To view the MLflow tracking UI run mlflow ui. If you are using local storage add --backend-store-uri file:///[OUTPUT_DIR]/mlruns. Otherwise, if you're using the PostgreSQL backend add --backend-store-uri postgresql://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>. Finally, navigate to http://localhost:5000.


If the machine running the MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and MLflow tracking servers is not publicly visible, you'll need to setup the necessary ssh tunnels.

Using external models

If you've trained a model for forward prediction using your own external code-base and want to evaluate it on our benchmark, please refer to the following steps.

  • Set SKIP_PRETRAINING = True in physion.yaml
  • Specify a path to the config file pertaining to your external repository in the PRETRAINING.MODEL.CUSTOM_CONFIG field of physion.yaml. This file should contain the requisite parameter specifications for creating your model. Your config dict will now be stored in PRETRAINING.MODEL.
  • Define your model: implement the get_model function by instantiating your model using the configs listed in PRETRAINING.MODEL and loading the pretrained weights.
  • See physics-models/configs/fitvid.yaml and physics-models/configs/physion_only_test.yaml for an example of how to create these configs. physics-models/physion/objective/ lists an example of how an external model can be defined.


  • Download example (physion) data from here.
  • Install physopt (if not already done)
  • Install physics-models (if not already done).
  • Update data directory in example config.
  • Set the path to your configs and results directory in the environment.yml file of the physics-models repo. Please refer to the instructions provided in the file.
  • In physics-models directory, run python -C [path_to_example_config]. You can also write your own run script based on
  • We also provide a jupyter notebook where the interface to the different phases of the pipeline (i.e pretraining, extraction and readout) have been exposed.

Citing Physion

If you find this codebase useful in your research, please consider citing:

    Title={Physion: Evaluating Physical Prediction from Vision in Humans and Machines},
    author= {Daniel M. Bear and
           Elias Wang and
           Damian Mrowca and
           Felix J. Binder and
           Hsiao{-}Yu Fish Tung and
           R. T. Pramod and
           Cameron Holdaway and
           Sirui Tao and
           Kevin A. Smith and
           Fan{-}Yun Sun and
           Li Fei{-}Fei and
           Nancy Kanwisher and
           Joshua B. Tenenbaum and
           Daniel L. K. Yamins and
           Judith E. Fan},
    url = {},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    eprint = {2106.08261},
    Year = {2021}


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