Image Transformation and CNNs: A Strategy for Encoding Human Locomotor Intent for Autonomous Wearable Robots
Ung Hee Lee, Justin Bi, Rishi Patel, David Fouhey, and Elliott Rouse
We used open-source bilateral and neuromechanical lower-limb dataset for validating our intent recognition system.
To setup for inference, click the "download all" button, extract into a directory named "Data" in the main repository, and unzip the files within the dataset.
Create the virtual enviroment and install required packages using conda.
conda env create --name envname --file environment.yaml
For this project we used Python 3.6 on Ubuntu Linux 18.04.
There are different classifiers and configuration types provided in this repository.
There are three classifier types:
- CNN-based spectrogram classifier (Frequency-Encoding, our method)
Within CNN based classifiers, you can select between our NN model (LIRNET) and Resnet18. You can select this by passing
and specifiy the model you want to use. For example,
python3 Freq-Encoding/ --nn_architecture LIRNET
- Feature-based classifiers (Heuristic)
Among Feature-based classifiers you can choose either
by specifiying the classifiers by passing the argument--classifiers
in files under/Heuristic
. - Random Classifier.
There are two configuration type: 1. Generic 2. Mode-specific. To select the type, pass agrument --mode_specific
for CNN based classifiers and random classifiers. For example
python3 Freq-Encoding/ --mode_specific
For Heuristic machine learning models (SVM, LDA) you can select the type by running different files. For example, to run mode specific Heuristic ML model, you can run
python3 Heuristic/
There are two cross-validation type: 1. Subject Independent, 2. Subject Dependent (Leave-one-out cross validation).
You can choose which classifier and configuration to use by running different python files (files end with loo, which stands for leave-one-out cross validation, is subject independent type).
python3 [Classifier Type]/[Classifier Configuration]_[Subject Dependedcy].py
Note that for the random classifiers, countData is used to validate the subject independent case, and random_loo is used to validate the subject dependent case.
For example, Frequency-Encoding (spectrogram) type and generic configuration and subject independent case, run
python3 Freq-Encoding/
The laterlity and modality can be chosen by passing argments through --laterality
and --sensors
. User can specifiy one of three types of laterality bilateral
and different combniations of sensor modalities imu
The general outline to creating your own PyTorch Dataset can be found here. In order for the Dataset to interface with a particular classifier and configuration, the _getitem_ method must return a tuple containing some or all of the following:
- Data: For CNN classifiers must be 10x50 FloatTensor. For all other classifiers must be 1xn NumPy array.
- Label: For CNN classifiers must be 1x1 FloatTensor. For all other classifiers must be 1x1 NumPy array.
- SteadyStateFlag: 1 when current label matches label of previous data point. 0 if they differ. Used for transitional vs steady-state accuracy analysis.
- PreviousLabel: Only implemented for Mode-specific configurations or Random classifiers. Label of previous data point.
Statistical Analysis for the machine learning models used in this project.
Generates activation map of the LIRNET. Please refer to this document.
Ung Hee Lee Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan
Rishi Patel Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Michigan
Justin Bi Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Michigan
We welcome feedbacks for improving our code. Feel free to submit any issues or ask any questions.