This will run on Windows As-Is. On other platforms, you will need to install PJScrape and PhantomJS
- There's a "ZIP" link above. Click on it to download all the stuff here.
- Extract the zip to somewhere on your hard disk
- double click on scrape.bat inside the new folder
- double click on index.html
Any time you want an update, simply double click on scrape.bat again and refresh or re-open index.html
- Run scrape.bat from the command line
- Open up index.html to view results
Currently a few different official state election pages.
- Added CA presidential election, senate, and ballot measures
- Added PA presidential election
- Added OH presidential election
- Added FL presidential election
- Added CO presidential election
To enable the senate and ballot measures being displayed, find and uncomment two lines in pagebuilder.js:
Sample listing: ![alt text][logo] [logo]: "Example Results"
Outputs json data to various .json files (e.g. ca_pres.json)
JSON files contain a list of candidates/measures and the vote counts.
Output example: [ {"Barack Obama (DEM)":{"percent":"0.0%","votes":"0"}, "Gary Johnson (LIB)":{"percent":"0.0%","votes":"0"}, "Jill Stein (GRN)":{"percent":"0.0%","votes":"0"}, "Mitt Romney (REP)":{"percent":"0.0%","votes":"0"}, "Roseanne Barr (P&F)":{"percent":"0.0%","votes":"0"}, "Thomas Hoefling (AI)":{"percent":"0.0%","votes":"0"}, "election":"CA President", "reporting":"\n 0.0% ( 0 of 24,491 ) precincts partiallyreporting as of November 6, 2012, 12:59 p.m. \n\t\t\t\t\tVisit the County Reporting Status page to determine when a county has submitted its latest report.\n\t\t"} ]
each site to scrape from get's it's on javascript file:
eg: ca_pres.js
inside that file is essentially two lines of code:
- the config that sets the output file
- the scraping rule
have a look at ca_pres.js for how it works, or reference the pjscrape quickstart page
Once that's done, add the appropriate line to pjscrape.bat.
The format is: path-to-pahntomjs.exe path-to-pjscrape.js path-to-scrapingJavascriptFile
phantomjs-1.7.0-windows\phantomjs.exe nrabinowitz-pjscrape-19fd7c1\pjscrape.js ca_pres.js
- Adding more states - I need help identifying the right web pages and building scraping functions
- Data Visualization - that would be pretty cool
- Styling the web page
- Automating the scrapes
- Auto-posting results to a web site so they can be crowdsourced