Auto-generated file by Vonage CLI
To run the build pipeline locally, run each individual task:
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI version
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI build
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI test
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI package
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI test_integration
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI cleanup
You can also run all phases like this:
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI all
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI
Some phases are optional and not mandated by configuration. There are
. Listed here as CI will always run all of these regarless of current project configuration.
This stage does the following:
- Auto-login to the AWS ECR to pull the necessary base image in case no active session is active;
- Builds and runs the Docker build image:
; - Build the code inside the running docker image.
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI build
Ensuring we have an active session to AWS ECR:
$ aws ecr get-login --region eu-west-1 --no-include-email | bash
? Run the command without| bash
and then execute the output command to proceed.
First, build and start the build
service container from
$ docker-compose up -d --build build
Then execute the build commands:
$ docker-compose exec -T build \
bundle exec rake build
This stage runs the unit tests.
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI test
This stage packages the artefacts
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI package
This stage uses the docker-compose.test.yml to stand-up the service and it dependencies, then run the integration tests.
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI test_integration
This stage cleans up any previous build or docker artefacts.
$ rake -f Rakefile.CI cleanup