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Nevod VSCode Extension

This is an open-source Visual Studio Code extension for Nevod language aimed at pattern-based text search.

Basic features

Syntax highlighting - improves readability of patterns by distinguish between keywords, identifiers, text literals, operators, and other tokens.

Go to Definition / Go to References. Definition or references can be located either in the same or in the required file. Reference count is shown in CodeLens above every pattern. screencast

Go to Symbol in Editor.... Allows navigation to a desired pattern written in Nevod language. Use Ctrl+Shift+O key combination to navigate within the current file, and Ctrl+T key combination to navigate across all files in the opened directory. screencast

Outline - shows the outline view of the pattern tree of the currently active file. screencast

Rename Symbol / Change All Occurrences. screencast

Code Completion includes: keywords, tokens, pattern names, namespaces, field names, tokens and text attributes, file paths. Pattern, namespace and field completions depend on scope. If pattern can be referenced in different ways (e.g. with and without namespace), the shortest variant is suggested to avoid name conflicts. Already written text is taken into account when filtering completion items. If completion suggestions do not pop up automatically, use Ctrl+Space to trigger them. screencast

Diagnostics. Two types of errors are displayed: syntax errors (operator expected, pattern should end with semicolon, etc.) and linking errors (reference to undefined pattern, undeclared field, etc.). Hover over an underlined text to see error message. Use Ctrl+Shift+M to open Problems panel and see error summary. Use F8 or Shift+F8 keys to loop through errors in the current file. screencast

Formatting. Use Shift+Alt+F to format the entire active file or Ctrl+K Ctrl+F to format selected text. Configure formatting style (open curly brace position, space after opening and before closing braces) in extension settings. screencast


Nevod VS Code extension is available at Visual Studio Code Marketplace.

There are example patterns to try this extension. Files with the .np extension are automatically recognized as Nevod packages.


Nevod VSCode Extension is licensed under Apache 2.0.