CESSGD is an MPI implementation for scalable matrix-completion-based collaborative filtering. Written in C, the code provides a communication-efficient parallelization of the stratified stochastic gradient descent algorithm proposed by Gemulla et al., 2011
$bin/cessgd --help
Usage: bin/cessgd [options] <Matrix file>
-i maximum number of iterations (epochs), default: 10
-f number of latent factors, default: 16 NOTE: give as a srtring e.g., "30"
-l regularization factor (lambda, default=0.0075)
-e learning rate (eps, default=0.0015)
-c communication type:
0: Block-wise (DSGD)
1: P2P
3: P2P with Hold and Combine
-s Strata schedule type:
0: RING_FIXED_SEED (default) picks a seed randomly at first epoch and sticks to it in all epochs
1: RING_RANDOM_SEED picks a different seed randomly at each epoch
-p Partition file, if not provided then random partitioning of rows and cols is used.
-d Force random partition of column even if a partition file is provided
-h Print this help message
Matrix file format
The sparse rating matrix should be stored as a list of (row, col, nnz) tuples in Matrix Market format (.mtx).
Partition file format
The partition file may contain M rows or M+N rows, where M and N are respectively the rows and cols of the input matrix. Each row has a single integer value between 0 and K-1, where K is the number of parts/processors, indicating that the corresponding input matrix row/col is assigned to this part/processor.
Example usage on an MPI cluster
$mpirun -n 512 bin/cessgd -i 1000 -f 20 -c 3 -s 1 <path to rating matrix file>
Please report any bugs to abubaker.nf@gmail.com
author = "Nabil Abubaker and M. Ozan Karsavuran and Cevdet Aykanat",
title = "{Scaling Stratified Stochastic Gradient Descent for Distributed Matrix Completion}",
year = "2022",
month = "3",
url = "https://www.techrxiv.org/articles/preprint/Scaling_Stratified_Stochastic_Gradient_Descent_for_Distributed_Matrix_Completion/19350536",
doi = "10.36227/techrxiv.19350536.v1"
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