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feature(k8s.dataverse): Added more documentation on backup and restore
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johannes-darms committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent e8e4852 commit ed8443a
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 23 deletions.
78 changes: 55 additions & 23 deletions k8s/dataverse/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
# Install dataverse

## If you would like to install custom
`helm install my-dataverse ./dataverse`

# Configure custom schema
## Enable admin api via localhost port forwarding
### Allow all API calls
# Access dataverse via localhost port forwarding
`export DATAVERSE_POD="my-dataverse-dataverse-0"`

`kubectl port-forward pods/${DATAVERSE_POD} 8080:8080`

`curl -X PUT -d allow http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiPolicy`

# Configure custom schema
## Update SOLR fields with custom metadata info
The charts persona contains a valid solr schema which is used by default.
If you alter a MDS block you manually need to refresh the solr core.
### Login into the solr helper container and execute the update
`export SOLR_POD="my-dataverse-dataverse-solr-0"`

`kubectl exec -i -t $SOLR_POD --container dataverse-solr-config -- /bin/sh`

Until the image is fixed, manually add the `ed` package.
`apk add ed`
`kubectl exec -i -t $SOLR_POD --container dataverse-solr-config -- /bin/sh`

`curl "http://${DATAVERSE_HOSTNAME}:8080/api/admin/index/solr/schema" | /scripts/ /template/conf/schema.xml`

`cp /template/conf/schema.xml /var/solr/data/collection1/schema.xml `

`curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=RELOAD&core=collection1"`

## Loading a backup
# Backup & Restore
## Restore database backup

### Get a logical backup
#### From S3
Postgres is configured to automatically create and store a logical backup in S3. You can use the following to find the most recent one.
1. Find the newest backup


The env variable values can be found using `kubectl describe job` on one of the backup jobs.

2. Copy the backup
2. Copy the backup to your local computer

`s3cmd get s3://$LOGICAL_BACKUP_S3_BUCKET/spilo/$SCOPE$LOGICAL_BACKUP_S3_BUCKET_SCOPE_SUFFIX/logical_backups/1695726061.sql.gz .`

(replace the file name with the name of the newest backup found in step 1)

3. Extract the sql file and copy it into the postgres pod
### Copy the backup into the postgres pod

`kubectl cp 1695726061.sql $POSTGRES_POD_NAME:/tmp`
3. Copy a logical backup from local computer it into the postgres pod

`kubectl cp 1695726061.sql.gz $POSTGRES_POD_NAME:/tmp/1695726061.sql.gz`

(replace the file name)

4. Empty the database before loading the backup
4. Extract the backup

`kubectl exec -it $POSTGRES_POD_NAME -- bash`
`psql -U dataverse`
`kubectl exec -it $POSTGRES_POD_NAME -- /bin/bash`

`gunzip /tmp/1695726061.sql.gz`

5. Empty the database before loading the backup
`kubectl exec -it $POSTGRES_POD_NAME -- psql -U dataverse `
-- Recreate the schema
Expand All @@ -67,15 +67,47 @@ Until the image is fixed, manually add the `ed` package.

6. Load the backup into the database

`kubectl exec -it $POSTGRES_POD_NAME -- bash`
`psql -U dataverse -f /tmp/1690815661.sql template1`

(replace the file name)

7. Correct the database user password: Log into a container of the pod ...-dataverse-0, then run `echo $DATAVERSE_DB_PASSWORD`. Set this password in psql using `ALTER USER dataverse WITH PASSWORD '...';`
7. Configure and sync postgres secrets with k8s.

The default postgres deployment creates at least three k8s secrets. Since you just loaded a backup they are out of sync.
Either those secrets must be updated with the values of the backup or the values within the db mut be updated.
We update the values within the db. First, we obtain list of accounts to update, then we obtain the passwords and update the db values.

Get the list of accounts:

`kubectl get secret | grep ${DEPLOYMENTNAME} `

Repeat the following for each account:

Get the password for the user `dataverse`:

`kubectl get secrets/dataverse.${DEPLOYMENTNAME} -o=jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d`

Update the password for the user `dataverse`:

`kubectl exec -it $POSTGRES_POD_NAME -- psql -U dataverse "ALTER USER dataverse WITH PASSWORD '...'"`

8. Start SOLR reindex

`curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/index`


## Creating a database backup

1. Login into the postgres pod and create and compress a logical backup.

`kubectl exec -it pods/$POSTGRES_POD_NAME -- /bin/bash`

`pg_dumpall -f /tmp/jd.dump -U dataverse`

`gzip /tmp/jd.dump`

2. Copy the logical backup to your local computer

`kubectl cp $POSTGRES_POD_NAME:/tmp/jd.dump.gz ./jd.dump.gz`

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