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Gregor Woiwode edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 33 revisions

TypeScript In Depth

1. Preparation | Warm up

  • Create a directory at your system where you store you coding samples
  • Initialize npm (see the command in the code sample below)
  • Start your editor
# somewhere in your system
mkdir typescript-workshop
cd typescript-workshop

# inside typescript-workshop/
npm init -y

# create a directory where all exercise will be saved
mkdir src

# Start VS Code
code .

2. TS Config | Basic configuration

  • Create a tsconfig.json in the root of the folder you created initially for your workshop.
  • Add the following content to it
  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es5"

3. Hello TypeScript

  • Create a directory src that will contain all your samples
  • Inside src/ create another directory 1-welcome containing an index.ts file
  • Add the following code
// src/1-welcome/index.ts

const greeting = 'Hello TypeScript';

  • Afterwards compile and run the code with node
# Transpile TypeScript to JavaScript
tsc ./src/1-welcome/index.ts

# Execute transpiled JavaScript-Source
node ./src/1-welcome/index.js

4. Basic Types | Simple Task List

  • Create a directory task-board/
  • Inside the directory task-board/, create a file index.ts
  • Add the following properties to the index.ts and initialise them with some default values
    • const tasks: any[]
    • const id: string
    • const title: string
    • const text: string
    • const priority : number
    • const isDone: boolean
  • Implement a method that takes all parameters above except of tasks.
  • Create an object from the passed arguments and adds it to the list tasks.
addTaskToList(id, title, text, ...) {
  const task = { ... };

5. Enum Introduction

  • Create a directory enum/
  • Inside the directory enum/, create a file index.ts
  • Create an enum and log it’s values
  • 👓 Have a look at the compiled code
  • Try to log the names of the enum entries to the console
enum Priority {

// TODO: Log the names of all enum entries

6. Task List | Use an Enum

  • Instead of passing a number introduce an Enum called TaskPriority having the values Low, Medium, High
  • You may expect that the method addTaskToList breaks now, but it is not. Think about why your code still works.
  • Write a method getSortedDescByPriority that takes the task array. * It should sort the task in descendant order by the priority property meaning that the highest priority comes first.

7. Task List | String Enum

  • Turn your number enum into a string enum
  • Adjust getSortedDescByPriorityto work with the new enum values. * Hint: The string method localeCompare helps sorting
// task-board/index.ts
enum TaskPriority {
  Low = 'Low',
  Medium = 'Medium',
  High = 'High'

8. Never | Exhaustiveness Check

  • Add a function that returns due dates based on the priority of each task. _ Low => ’Sometimes` _ Medium => ’Today’ * High => ‘Now’
  • Implement the needed logic using a switch-case-statement
  • Add the exhaustiveness to the default path of the switch-case-statement
  • Afterwards add a new priority “VeryHigh” to the enum TaskPriority. Note that your program will not compile until you add the missing priority to the switch-case statement.

    Think How does TypeScript achieve that?

function assertNever(value: never): never {
  throw new Error(`Expected never to be called but got ${value}`);

// ...
function dueDates(tasks: any[]) {
  return => {
    switch (task.priority) {
      case TaskPriority.Low:
        return 'Sometimes';
      // ...

9. Task | Introduce Interface

  • Add an interface Task
  • Add all known properties to it
  • Use that interface everywhere in the code _ addTaskToList _ getSortedDescByPriority * dueDates

10. Class

  • Create the file task-list.ts inside task-board/models and add a class called TaskList.
  • Add the method addTaskToList to that class.
  • Add the method dueDates to that class.
  • Add the method getSortedDescByPriority to that class.
  • Make tasks a member of TaskList.
  • Now task-board/index.ts should just use the API of TaskList and may do some console.logs.

11. Barrels

  • Create an index.ts File in task-board/models.
  • Export all the files from models/ using your barrel.
  • Simplify the import statements in your task-board/index.ts
// task-board/models/index.ts
export * from './your-model.ts';
export * from './your-other-model.ts';
// task-board/index.ts
import { TaskList, Task } from './models';

// Use TaskList API...

12. tsconfig | outDir

  • Specify the outDir parameter in your tsconfig.json
  • Compile the task-board source
    • tsc --project ./src/task-board/tsconfig.json
  • Run the compiled code to see if everything still works fine.
    • node ./src/task-board/dist
  • Finally, add dist/ to your .gitconfig
    • You never want to commit and push the compilation result.

13. Debugging | Node Inspector

  • Configure the TypeScript Compiler to emit SourceMaps.

  • Recompile your app!

  • Start the debugger with the following command

    • node --inspect-brk ./src/task-board/dist
  • Open your Chrome Browser and enter chrome://inspect/#devices address field

  • Open the displayed remote target by clicking the link inspect.

  • Set a few break points by clicking on the line numbers in editor view of the developer tools.


  "compilerOptions": {
    // ...
    "inlineSourceMap": true

14. Debugging | Visual Studio Code

  • Create the directory .vscode inside your root folder
  • Create launch.json inside .vscode/
  • Apply the following settings to launch.json.
  • Switch to VS-Codes Debug View (CTRL+SHIFT+D)
  • Select the Configuration Taskboard from the select box and press the green arrow button to execute your code.
  • Set at least one breakpoint inside index.ts and try to debug that file.
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "node",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Taskboard",
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/task-board/dist/index.js"


15. Discriminated Unions | Enhance task board priorities

  • Create two union types to build two categories of tasks
    • UrgentTask
    • MandatoryTask
  • When a task has the priority High or VeryHigh it is an UrgentTask
  • When a task has the priority Low or Medium it is a MandatoryTask.
  • Add a new method to the TaskList called addUrgentTask that accepts a Task and UrgentTask as a priority
class TaskList {
  // ...
  addUrgentTask(task: Task, priority: UrgentTask) {
    const urgentTask = { ...task, priority };
    // add urgentTask to List

16. Write your first Type Guard

  • Introduce a private method to TaskList called isUrgent()
  • Check whether a task is urgent or mandatory by checking it's priority property
  • After that, have a look how TypeScript infers the type using your Type Guard
  • Write another method getUrgent that yields a filtered list of tasks that must have an urgent priority
    • Use the Type Guard to filter the tasks.
class TaskList {
  // ...

  private isUrgent(priority: TaskPriority): priority is UrgentTask {
    // yield true if an urgent priority is detected.

18. Provide tasks as readonly dictionary

  • Provide a property tasks in TaskList
  • tasks should be a dictionary where all properties of each tasks are readonly.
    • [key: string]: /* readonly type for task */

You want that tasks can be read from outside but you want to prevent changes to your dictionary.

  • Create a mapped type that transforms each property of Task to a readonly property.
    • Hint Use the readonly keyword
// Lookup type of a property
type taskId = Task['id']; // string

// iterate through properties
type taskProps = { [prop in keyof Task]:  };

// transform property types
type optionalTaskProperties = { [prop in keyof Task]?: Task[prop] };

19. Configure a path alias

  • Add a path alias to your project task-board
  • Afterwards, refactor the import path in index.ts to use the alias instead of the relative path.
  • Check if everything still works by compiling and running your source code.
  "compilerOptions": {
    // ...

    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@models/*": ["./models/*"]

20. Build your own factory (Generic warmup)

  • Introduce a generic method create<T>
  • This method takes one argument that is the token of the type which should be created.
  • Use this function to create an instance of TaskList
type Constructor<T = {}> = new (...args: any[]) => T;

function create<T>(construct: Constructor<T>): T {
  return new construct();

const list = create(TaskList);
console.log(list instanceof TaskList);

21. Build generic ModelMutator<T>

  • Inside task-board/, create a file called model-mutator.ts inside lib/.
  • Unify the process mutating objects by providing a generic mutator
  • Create a factory function (createModelMutator<T>) that yields an object providing several mutation operations.
export interface Dictionary<T> {
  [id: string]: T;

export interface ModelMutator<T> {
  addOne(model: T, entities: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
  addMany(model: T[], entities: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;

export function createMutator<T>(): ModelMutator<T>;

22. Make ModelMutator<T> accepting options

  • Different models can have different property names and types for their keys.

    interface Task {
      id: string;
      // ...
    interface TaskComments {
      guid: string;
      // ...
  • Make the ModelMutator<T> accepting options

  • Specify a method that is used by the ModelMutator<T> to access the desired key property

export interface ModelMutatorOptions<T> {
  getIdentifier: (entity: T) => string | number;

const options: ModelMutatorOptions<Task> = {
  // call getIdentifier inside the ModelMutator to access the id.
  getIdentifier: task =>

export function createMutator<T>(
  options: EntityMutatorOptions<T>
): ModelMutator<T>;

23. Setup TSLint

  • Install tslint & typescript as development dependency
    npm install --save-dev tslint typescript
  • Run npx tslint --init to generate a tslint.json in your root directory
  • Configure tslint to prefer single quotes instead of double quotes
    // tslint.json
    "rules": {
      "quotemark": [true, "single"]
  • Have a look at your ts files.
  • If there are any errors analyze and fix them.
  • You can fix issues automatically by running npx tslint --project ./src/task-board/tsconfig.json --fix.

24. Dive into existing rules

  • Take 15 minutes to read through the TSLint core rules.
  • Pick your favorite rule and explain it to the other attendees.
  • Mention why you think that this rule adds a benefit to the coding guidelines of a project.

25. Apply tslint rules from Airbnb

npm install tslint-config-airbnb --save-dev
  • Configure your tslint.json to use the configuration of airbnb instead of the default one.
-   "extends": [ "tslint:recommended" ]
+   "extends": [ "tslint-config-airbnb" ]

26. Write your own TSLint Rule


27. Logging Decorator

  • Write a decorator called Log
  • Enable Decorators by adding the needed configuration to tsconfig.json
      compilerOptions: {
        // ...
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
  • Log should accept a parameter message
  • Log should call console.log to print the passed message
  • Log should attach a property additionalData to the annotated class and a assign some value.
  • Annotate the class TaskList with @Log.
  • Afterwards, create an instance of Tasklist
    • It should log the message to the console
    • The instance of TaskList should have an additional property additionalData
function Log(message: string) {
  return function logFn(constructor: Function) {
    // log passed message
    // add property `additionalData` to constructor.prototype

@Log('Your message here...')
class TaskList {
  // ...

console.log(new TaskList()['additionalData']);

28. Setup Jest

  • Run the following command to install Jest and it's dependencies
    • npm i -D jest @types/jest ts-jest typescript
  • Add the basic configuration for Jest to the package.json
      // ...
      "jest": {
        "transform": {
          "^.+\\.tsx?$": "ts-jest"
        "testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.(jsx?|tsx?)$",
        "moduleFileExtensions": [
  • Add the following scripts to your package.json to be able to run test with Jest.
      scripts: {
        "test": "jest",
        "test:watch": "jest --watch"

29. Test ModelMutator

  • Create the file model-mutator.spec.ts in the same directory where saved model-mutator.ts is saved
  • Implement the test cases below

Please have a look at Jest's Matchers to write test expectations.

describe('ModelMutator', () => {
  describe('addOne', () => {
    describe('When no id is given', () => {
      it('should raise an error', () => { /* add test*/ });
      it('should not run the mutation', () => { /* add test*/ });

    describe('When the passed Dictionary is null', () => {
      it('should not raise an error', () => { /* add test*/ });
      it('should create and use an empty object', () => { /* add test*/ });
      it('should add the passed model to the dictionary', () => { /* add test*/ });