Performs coordinate transformations from a source projection to a target projection. Projection coordinate reference systems may be defined by:
- EPSG Code
- Authority and Code
- PROJ / PROJ4 Parameters
- OGC Coordinate Reference System Well-Known Text (1|2)
./ [from_projection to_projection [coordinates]]
java -jar project.jar [from_projection to_projection [coordinates]]
Add an alias to your shell to run from any location
alias proj="~/project/"
And run
proj [from_projection to_projection [coordinates]]
Run using the script, Jar, or alias.
proj 4326 3857 [-110.0, 75.0], [95.0, -20.0, 0.0]
proj 4326 3857 -110.0,75.0 95.0,-20.0,0.0
proj EPSG:4326 EPSG:3857
[from_projection to_projection [coordinates]]
Transform coordinates between projections
Projection to transform from (EPSG_CODE, AUTHORITY:CODE, PROJ_PARAMS, or OGC_WKT)
Examples: 4326, EPSG:4326, "+proj=longlat ...", "GEOGCRS[..."
Projection to transform to (EPSG_CODE, AUTHORITY:CODE, PROJ_PARAMS, or OGC_WKT)
Examples: 3857, EPSG:3857, "+proj=merc ...", "PROJCRS[..."
Coordinate(s) to transform between projections ([x, y], [x, y, z])
Examples: [-110.0, 75.0], [95.0, -20.0, 0.0]
From Projection: <from_projection>
To Projection: <to_projection>
<from_projection> -> <to_projection>
Enter 'Inverse' to invert transformation
Coordinate(s): [x, y]
[x, y] -> [x2, y2]
Coordinate(s): Inverse
<to_projection> -> <from_projection>
Coordinate(s): [x2, y2]
[x2, y2] -> [x, y]