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Builders are factory methods that construct and sign Farcaster Messages which can be broadcast to Hubs.


Before you can build messages, you'll need to construct the following objects:

  • An ed25519Signer, used to sign most messages.
  • A eip712Signer, used to sign some messages.
  • A dataOptions, which contains message metadata.


A Ed25519Signer is an EdDSA key pair which is necessary for signing most messages on behalf of an fid. This example below shows how to construct a new NobleEd25519Signer using the @noble library:

import { NobleEd25519Signer } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';
import * as ed from '@noble/ed25519';

const privateKey = ed.utils.randomPrivateKey(); // Applications must store this key securely.

const ed25519Signer = new NobleEd25519Signer(privateKey);


An Eip712Signer is an ECDSA key pair which is necessary signing for some messages like SignerAdds and Verifications. This example shows how to construct an EthersEip712Signer from a wallet's recovery phrase:

import { EthersEip712Signer } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';
import { Wallet } from 'ethers';

const mnemonic = 'ordinary long coach bounce thank quit become youth belt pretty diet caught attract melt bargain';
const wallet = Wallet.fromPhrase(mnemonic);

const eip712Signer = new EthersEip712Signer(wallet);

Note: If you must use Ethers v5 in your application, you'll need to use the EthersV5Eip712Signer.

Data Options

Common message properties that must be passed into to any Builder method to produce a valid message.


import { FarcasterNetwork, toFarcasterTime } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

const unixTimestamp = 1679029607159;

// Safety: timestamp is known and cannot error
const farcasterTimestamp = toFarcasterTime(unixTimestamp)._unsafeUnwrap();

const dataOptions = {
  fid: 1,
  network: FarcasterNetwork.DEVNET,
  timestamp: farcasterTimestamp,


Name Type Description
fid number Fid of the user creating the message
network FarcasterNetwork Farcaster network to broadcast the message to
timestamp? number (optional) Farcaster epoch message timestamp, defaults to now

Builder Methods


Returns a message which authorizes a new Ed25519 Signer to create messages on behalf of a user.


import { makeSignerAdd, hexStringToBytes } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

const signerHex = '0x027fb58156b2733495acb24248e5e3ddf7ad8be4b85321c1e598e06ed030f51f'; // public key of the Ed25519 key-pair to authorize
const signerBytes = hexStringToBytes(signerHex)._unsafeUnwrap(); // Safety: signerHex is known and cannot error
const name = 'foo'; // label to help the user identify this signers

const signerAdd = await makeSignerAdd({ signer: signerBytes, name }, dataOptions, eip712Signer);


Type Description
HubAsyncResult<SignerAddMessage> A HubAsyncResult that contains the valid SignerAddMessage.


Name Type Description
body SignerAddBody A valid VerificationAddEd25519 body object containing the data to be sent.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional arguments to construct the message.
signer Eip712Signer An Eip712Signer generated from the user's custody address.


Returns a message which revokes a previously authorized Ed25519 Signer.


import { makeSignerRemove, hexStringToBytes } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

const signerHex = '0x027fb58156b2733495acb24248e5e3ddf7ad8be4b85321c1e598e06ed030f51f'; // public key of the Ed25519 key-pair to revoke
const signerBytes = hexStringToBytes(signerHex)._unsafeUnwrap(); // Safety: signerHex is known and cannot error

const signerRemove = await makeSignerRemove({ signer: signerBytes }, dataOptions, eip712Signer);


Type Description
HubAsyncResult<SignerRemoveMessage> A HubAsyncResult that contains the valid SignerRemoveMessage.


Name Type Description
body SignerRemoveBody A valid SignerRemove body object containing the data to be sent.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional metadata to construct the message.
signer Eip712Signer An Eip712Signer generated from the user's custody address.


Returns a message that adds a new Cast.


import { makeCastAdd } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

const cast = await makeCastAdd(
  { text: 'hello world', embeds: [''], mentions: [], mentionsPositions: [] },


Type Description
HubAsyncResult<CastAddMessage> A Result that contains the valid CastAddMessage


Name Type Description
body CastAddBody A valid CastAdd body object containing the data to be sent.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional metadata to construct the message.
signer Ed25519Signer A currently valid Signer for the fid.


Returns a message that removes an existing Cast.


import { hexStringToBytes, makeCastRemove } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

const targetHashHex = '006f082f70dfb2de81e7852f3b79f1cdf2aa6b86';

// Safety: targetHashHex is known and can't error
const targetHashBytes = hexStringToBytes(targetHashHex)._unsafeUnwrap();

const castRemove = await makeCastRemove(
    targetHash: targetHashBytes,


Type Description
HubAsyncResult<CastRemoveMessage> A HubAsyncResult that contains the valid CastRemoveMessage.


Name Type Description
body CastRemoveBody A valid CastRemove body object containing the data to be sent.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional metadata to construct the message.
signer Ed25519Signer A currently valid Signer for the fid.


Returns a message that adds a Reaction to an existing Cast.


import { hexStringToBytes, makeReactionAdd, ReactionType } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

const targetHashHex = '006f082f70dfb2de81e7852f3b79f1cdf2aa6b86';
// Safety: targetHashHex is known and can't error
const targetHashBytes = hexStringToBytes(targetHashHex)._unsafeUnwrap();

const reactionLikeBody = {
  type: ReactionType.LIKE,
  targetCastId: {
    fid: 1, // Fid of the Cast's author, which is being reacted to.
    hash: targetHashBytes, // Hash of the CastAdd message being reacted to

const like = await makeReactionAdd(reactionLikeBody, dataOptions, ed25519Signer);


Type Description
HubAsyncResult<ReactionAddMessage> A HubAsyncResult that contains the valid ReactionAddMessage.


Name Type Description
body ReactionBody A valid ReactionAdd body object containing the data to be sent.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional metadata to construct the message.
signer Ed25519Signer A currently valid Signer for the fid.


Returns a message that removes an existing Reaction to an existing Cast.


import { hexStringToBytes, makeReactionRemove, ReactionType } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

const targetHashHex = '006f082f70dfb2de81e7852f3b79f1cdf2aa6b86';

// Safety: targetHashHex is known and can't error
const targetHashBytes = hexStringToBytes(targetHashHex)._unsafeUnwrap();

const reactionLikeBody = {
  type: ReactionType.LIKE,
  targetCastId: {
    fid: 1, // Fid of the Cast's author, which is being reacted to.
    hash: targetHashBytes, // Hash of the CastAdd message being reacted to

const like = await makeReactionRemove(reactionLikeBody, dataOptions, ed25519Signer);


Type Description
HubAsyncResult<ReactionRemoveMessage> A HubAsyncResult that contains the valid ReactionRemoveMessage.


Name Type Description
body ReactionBody A valid ReactionRemove body object containing the data to be sent.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional metadata to construct the message.
signer Ed25519Signer A currently valid Signer for the fid.


Returns a message that updates metadata about the user.


import { makeUserDataAdd, UserDataType } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

const userDataPfpBody = {
  type: UserDataType.PFP,
  value: '',

const userDataPfpAdd = await makeUserDataAdd(userDataPfpBody, dataOptions, ed25519Signer);


Value Description
HubAsyncResult<UserDataAddMessage> A HubAsyncResult that contains a signed UserDataMessage.


Name Type Description
body UserDataBody A valid UserData body object containing the data to be sent.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional metadata to construct the message.
signer Ed25519Signer A currently valid Signer for the fid.


Returns a message that proves that a user owns an Ethereum address.


import {
} from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

// Safety: eip712Signer is known and can't error
const addressBytes = (await eip712Signer.getSignerKey())._unsafeUnwrap();

const fid = 1;
const blockHashHex = '0x1d3b0456c920eb503450c7efdcf9b5cf1f5184bf04e5d8ecbcead188a0d02018';
const blockHashBytes = hexStringToBytes(blockHashHex)._unsafeUnwrap();

const claimResult = makeVerificationEthAddressClaim(fid, addressBytes, FarcasterNetwork.DEVNET, blockHashBytes);

if (claimResult.isOk()) {
  const claim = claimResult.value;

  // Sign the claim
  const ethSignResult = await eip712Signer.signVerificationEthAddressClaim(claim);
  const ethSignature = ethSignResult._unsafeUnwrap(); // Safety: claim is known and can't error

  // Construct a Verification Add Message with the claim signature
  const verificationBody = {
    address: addressBytes,
    claimSignature: ethSignature,
    blockHash: blockHashBytes,

  const verificationMessage = await makeVerificationAddEthAddress(verificationBody, dataOptions, ed25519Signer);


Type Description
HubAsyncResult<VerificationAddEthAddressMessage> A HubAsyncResult that contains a signed VerificationAddEthAddressMessage.


Name Type Description
body VerificationAddEthAddressBody An object which contains an Eip712 Signature from the Ethereum Address being verified.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional metadata to construct the message.
signer Ed25519Signer A currently valid Signer for the fid.


Returns a message that removes a previously added Verification.


import { makeVerificationRemove } from '@farcaster/hub-nodejs';

// Safety: eip712Signer is known and can't error
const addressBytes = (await eip712Signer.getSignerKey())._unsafeUnwrap();

const verificationRemoveBody = {
  address: eip712Signer.addressBytes, // Ethereum Address of Verification to remove

const verificationRemoveMessage = await makeVerificationRemove(verificationRemoveBody, dataOptions, ed25519Signer);


Type Description
HubAsyncResult<VerificationRemoveMessage> A HubAsyncResult that contains a signed VerificationRemoveMessage.


Name Type Description
body VerificationRemoveBody An object which contains data about the Verification being removed.
dataOptions DataOptions Optional metadata to construct the message.
signer Ed25519Signer A currently valid Signer for the fid.