Analysis on the spread of coronavirus in Africa and the role of digital health tools in fighting against the pandemic on the continent. The project starts with analysing how the virus spread on the continet, whoch countries have the most cases and whether they have reached a peak yet It then looks at how digital health tools have helped to fight against the spread, by quickly configuring they existing platforms for case management and contact tracing. The data used is from WHO dashboard.
The project should run with libraries included in the Anaconda distribution. Following main libraries have been used:
Python 3.8.2 numpy 1.13.3 pandas 0.25.3 seaborn 0.10.0 matplotlib 0.8.4 Jupyter notebook containing the analysis of the project Python file containing additional code for the analysis
Data for project saved in data
Images, plots and map saved in images
Please find my summary for a non-technical audience in a blog post here.
The "Data Science" nanodegree at Udacity. See References