This project implements a relational database for Sneaker-Head, a sports shoe company managing customer orders, products, carts, invoices, and inventory. The database helps streamline the ordering process and handle data efficiently for both customers and internal operations.
- Database: MySQL
- Languages: SQL for schema definition, queries, stored procedures, and triggers
- Conceptual Model: Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram, normalized into a relational schema
The database manages the following key entities and interactions:
- Customers: Identified by
, with details like name, email, address, phone number, and optional VAT number. - Products: Each product has a unique
, including a name, category, manufacturer, production year, and price. - Cart: Tracks products a customer adds to their cart, including the quantity and total cost.
- Orders: Associated with customers and include order details like
, shipping costs, and order status. - Invoices: Generated after order confirmation with information like
, discount, and total cost. - Inventory: Tracks available stock for products by a unique
The system was designed using an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram. The main entities include:
- Customer, Product, Cart, Order, Invoice, Inventory.
- Relationships include many-to-many between products and carts, one-to-many between customers and orders, and one-to-one between orders and invoices.
The ER model was transformed into the following relational schema, now matching the SQL structure:
Cliente (Customer):
username (PK)
Prodotto (Product):
idProdotto (PK)
Giacenza (Inventory):
,idProdotto (FK)
Carrello (Cart):
Ordine (Order):
,idCarrello (FK)
Fattura (Invoice):
,numOrdine (FK)
Effettuazione (Order Placement):
numOrdine (FK)
,username (FK)
(primary key is a composite of these two fields)
Inserimento (Cart Product Entry):
barcode (FK)
,idCarrello (FK)
(primary key is a composite of these two fields)
- Stored Procedure
: This procedure calculates and updates the total cost for a given cart based on the products and quantities added. - Trigger
: This trigger updates the quantity in the cart whenever a new product is added. - Trigger
: Automatically calls theprocedure_calcola_costototale
when a new order is placed, updating the cart's total cost. - Function
: Returns the number of invoices for a specific customer.
: A view that retrieves orders currently in progress, showing order number, date, cart quantity, total cost, shipping expenses, and customer information.
The following ER diagram represents the database structure:
To add new customers, use the following SQL command:
INSERT INTO Cliente (username, nome, email, indirizzo, partitaIva, telefono)
VALUES ('john_doe', 'John Doe', '', '123 Street, City', '12345678901', '1234567890');
Once products are added to the cart, an order can be placed:
INSERT INTO Ordine (dataOrdine, speseSpedizione, stato, idCarrello)
VALUES ('2024-10-05', 15.00, 'in corso', 1);
After confirming an order, generate the invoice:
INSERT INTO Fattura (sconto, dataFattura, numOrdine)
VALUES (10.00, '2024-10-06', 1);
To query the available stock for a particular product:
SELECT p.nome, g.barcode
FROM Prodotto p
JOIN Giacenza g ON p.idProdotto = g.idProdotto
WHERE p.nome = 'Air Jordan';
SELECT * FROM Cliente WHERE partitaIva IS NOT NULL AND partitaIva LIKE '%8';
SELECT idProdotto FROM Prodotto WHERE nome LIKE 'Air Jordan %';