Introduction to basic features and processing rules.
Replacing a single tag in the document.
Replacing tags in the spreadsheet.
Replacing tags in the presentation.
How to insert an image into a document.
Templater also works in Android.
How to embed license file (templater.lic) into a web project.
Templater supports classes via reflection and more dynamic types such as maps.
Templater is written in Scala and supports some Scala specific collections/types.
While simple scenario such as repeating of a table rows is supported, arbitrary nesting is also supported - nesting collection inside a collection inside a collection...
Word features, such as columns, can be leveraged for layout. Barcodes from embedded fonts.
Resizing of paragraphs can be easily simulated via lists and tables.
CSV output can be used when appropriate.
In Excel, region fine tuning can be done via named ranges.
Context analysis will work across nested collections.
Various Excel features are supported.
Populating tables works the same way across formats.
Various Word features are supported.
Inserting pictures via plugins allows for simple templates.
Integration with complex office features gets the most out of Templater.
When region extends, stuff needs to be moved around.
Master-detail relationship in DataSet type. Injecting colors via XML type.
When number of columns is unknown - two dimensional objects can be used.
Special tag [[equals]] is used to convert cells into formulas.