Quick example usage of microROS for PlatformIO using a Raspberry Pi Pico.
Project could be easily adapted for any board listed on microROS library for PlatformIO Github repository.
This firmware does the following:
- Uses mbed threading and blinks a led
- Wait for microROS agent communication
- Start a ROS2 node named
- Start a positive and a negative counter and publish info via topics
- Listen to topic
and updates positive and negative counter with incoming int32 data - Positive and negative counter are updated on different threads so this emulates a real environment
Assuming you have ros2 humble (or newer) and microROS agent ready in your environment:
# start microros agent - fix for your rpico id
ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent serial --dev /dev/serial/by-id/$rpicoid baudrate=115200
# list all ros2 topics detected
ros2 topic list
# listen specific topic data
ros2 topic echo /test1
# publish specific topic data
ros2 topic pub /cmd_topic std_msgs/Int32 "data: 1000"
Compile firmware with:
pio run -e pico
Upload firmware with:
pio run -e pico --target upload