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NI RFmx WLAN SEM Attributes

Dane Stull edited this page Feb 22, 2022 · 1 revision

SEM Attributes


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the spectral emission mask (SEM) measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is RFMXWLAN_VAL_FALSE.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetMeasurementEnabled
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetMeasurementEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the mask used for the SEM measurement is defined either as per the standard or as specified by you.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetMaskType
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetMaskType
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_STANDARD (0) Mask limits are configured as per the specified standard, channel bandwidth, and band.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_CUSTOM (1) The measurement uses the mask limits that you specify.

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SEM Carrier


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the integration bandwidth of the carrier as per the standard and channel bandwidth. This value is expressed in Hz.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 18 M.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetCarrierIntegrationBandwidth

SEM Offset


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the number of offset segments for the SEM measurement when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_MASK_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_CUSTOM.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 1.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetNumberOfOffsets
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetNumberOfOffsets


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the start frequency of the offset segment relative to the carrier frequency. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to configure this attribute.

The default value is 9 MHz.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetOffsetStartFrequency
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetOffsetStartFrequency


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the stop frequency of the offset segment relative to carrier frequency. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to configure this attribute.

The default value is 11 MHz.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetOffsetStopFrequency
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetOffsetStopFrequency


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the offset segment is present on one side or on both sides of the carrier.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to configure this attribute.


Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetOffsetSideband
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetOffsetSideband
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_NEGATIVE (0) Configures a lower offset segment to the left of the carrier.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_POSITIVE (1) Configures an upper offset segment to the right of the carrier.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_BOTH (2) Configures both negative and positive offset segments.

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SEM Relative Limit


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the relative power limit corresponding to the start of the offset segment. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to configure this attribute.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetOffsetRelativeLimitStart
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetOffsetRelativeLimitStart


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the relative power limit corresponding to the end of the offset segment. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to configure this attribute.

The default value is -20.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetOffsetRelativeLimitStop
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetOffsetRelativeLimitStop



Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the frequency range of the spectrum used for SEM measurement is computed automatically by the measurement or is configured by you.

This attribute is applicable when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_MASK_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_STANDARD.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetSpanAuto
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetSpanAuto
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SPAN_AUTO_FALSE (0) The span you configure is used as the frequency range for the SEM measurement.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SPAN_AUTO_TRUE (1) The span is automatically computed based on the configured standard and channel bandwidth.

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Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the frequency range of the spectrum used for the SEM measurement. This value is expressed in Hz.

This attribute is applicable only when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_SPAN_AUTO attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SPAN_AUTO_FALSE and the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_MASK_TYPE attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MASK_TYPE_STANDARD.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 66 MHz.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetSpan
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetSpan

Sweep Time


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the sweep time for the SEM measurement is computed automatically or is configured by you.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetSweepTimeAuto
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetSweepTimeAuto
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_FALSE (0) The measurement uses the sweep time that you specify in the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_INTERVAL attribute.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_TRUE (1) The measurement automatically calculates the sweep time based on the standard and bandwidth you specify.

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Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the sweep time for the SEM measurement. This value is expressed in seconds.

This attribute is ignored when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_TRUE.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 1 millisecond.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetSweepTimeInterval
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetSweepTimeInterval

SEM Averaging


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable averaging for the SEM measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetAveragingEnabled
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetAveragingEnabled
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement is performed on a single acquisition.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The SEM measurement uses the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_AVERAGING_COUNT attribute as the number of acquisitions over which the SEM measurement is averaged.

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Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED attribute to RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 10.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetAveragingCount
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetAveragingCount


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The averaged spectrum is used for SEM measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetAveragingType
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetAveragingType
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_RMS (0) The power spectrum is linearly averaged. RMS averaging reduces signal fluctuations but not the noise floor.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_LOG (1) The power spectrum is averaged in a logarithmic scale.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_SCALAR (2) The square root of the power spectrum is averaged.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_MAXIMUM (3) The peak power in the spectrum is retained from one acquisition to the next at each frequency bin.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_MINIMUM (4) The least power in the spectrum is retained from one acquisition to the next at each frequency bin.

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Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the amplitude of the frequency bins, used in the measurement, is corrected for external attenuation at the RF center frequency, or at the individual frequency bins. Use the RFmxInstr_CfgExternalAttenuationTable function to configure the external attenuation table.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetAmplitudeCorrectionType
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetAmplitudeCorrectionType
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AMPLITUDE_CORRECTION_TYPE_RF_CENTER_FREQUENCY (0) All the frequency bins in the spectrum are compensated with a single external attenuation value that corresponds to the RF center frequency.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_AMPLITUDE_CORRECTION_TYPE_SPECTRUM_FREQUENCY_BIN (1) An individual frequency bin in the spectrum is compensated with the external attenuation value corresponding to that frequency.

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Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the traces to be stored and retrieved after performing the SEM measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is RFMXWLAN_VAL_FALSE.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetAllTracesEnabled
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetAllTracesEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxWLAN_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the maximum number of threads used for parallelism for SEM measurement.

The number of threads can range from 1 to the number of physical cores. The number of threads you set may not be used in calculations. The actual number of threads used depends on the problem size, system resources, data availability, and other considerations.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 1.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetNumberOfAnalysisThreads
Set Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMSetNumberOfAnalysisThreads

SEM Results


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the overall measurement status, indicating whether the spectrum exceeds the SEM measurement mask limits in any of the offset segments.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this result for default signal and result instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals and results.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsMeasurementStatus
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) The spectrum exceeds the SEM measurement mask limits for at least one of the offset segments.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) The spectrum does not exceed the SEM measurement mask limits for any offset segment.

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SEM Results Carrier


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the average power of the carrier channel over the bandwidth indicated by the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_CARRIER_INTEGRATION_BANDWIDTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this result for default signal and result instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals and results.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsCarrierAbsoluteIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power in the carrier channel over the bandwidth indicated by the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_CARRIER_INTEGRATION_BANDWIDTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBm. SEM mask level is determined by this result.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this result for default signal and result instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals and results.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsCarrierAbsolutePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency at which the peak power occurs in the carrier channel. This value is expressed in Hz.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this result for default signal and result instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals and results.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsCarrierPeakFrequency

SEM Results Lower Offset


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the lower offset segment measurement status indicating whether the spectrum exceeds the SEM measurement mask limits in the lower offset segment.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMeasurementStatus
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_LOWER_OFFSET_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_LOWER_OFFSET_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.

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Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the average power of the lower (negative) offset channel over the bandwidth obtained by the start and stop frequencies of the offset channel. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetAbsoluteIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the average power of the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the peak power of the carrier channel. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetRelativeIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power measured in the lower (negative) offset segment. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetAbsolutePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power of the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the peak power of the carrier channel. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetRelativePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency at which the peak power occurs in the lower (negative) offset channel. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetPeakFrequency


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the margin from the SEM measurement mask for the lower (negative) offset. This value is expressed in dB.

Margin is computed as

Margin(dB) = Max(Spectrum[] - Mask[])

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMargin


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power level of the spectrum corresponding to the result of the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_RESULTS_LOWER_OFFSET_MARGIN attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMarginAbsolutePower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power level of the spectrum corresponding to the result of the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_RESULTS_LOWER_OFFSET_MARGIN attribute. This value is expressed in dB.

The power level is returned relative to the peak power of the carrier channel.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMarginRelativePower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency of the spectrum corresponding to the result of the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_RESULTS_LOWER_OFFSET_MARGIN attribute. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMarginFrequency

SEM Results Upper Offset


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the upper offset (positive) segment measurement status indicating if the spectrum exceeds the SEM measurement mask limits in the upper offset segment.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMeasurementStatus
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_UPPER_OFFSET_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) The spectrum exceeds the SEM measurement mask and limits for the upper offset segment.
RFMXWLAN_VAL_SEM_UPPER_OFFSET_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) The spectrum does not exceed the SEM measurement mask and limits for the upper offset segment.

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Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the average power of the offset (positive) offset channel over the bandwidth determined by the start and stop frequencies of the offset channel. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetAbsoluteIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the average power of the offset (positive) offset segment relative to the peak power of the carrier channel. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetRelativeIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power of the offset (positive) offset segment. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetAbsolutePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power of the offset (positive) segment relative to the peak power of the carrier channel. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetRelativePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency at which the peak power occurs in the offset (positive) channel. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetPeakFrequency


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the margin from the SEM measurement mask for the offset (positive). This value is expressed in dB.

Margin is computed as

Margin(dB) = Max(Spectrum[] - Mask[])

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMargin


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power level of the spectrum corresponding to the result of the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_RESULTS_UPPER_OFFSET_MARGIN attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMarginAbsolutePower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power level of the spectrum corresponding to the result of the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_RESULTS_UPPER_OFFSET_MARGIN attribute. This value is expressed in dB.

The power level is returned relative to the peak power of the carrier channel.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMarginRelativePower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxWLAN_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency of the spectrum corresponding to the result of the RFMXWLAN_ATTR_SEM_RESULTS_UPPER_OFFSET_MARGIN attribute. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxWLAN_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMarginFrequency

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