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Guide for setting up a fractopo environment on

Basic info

This guide requires CSC, HAKA or Virtu credentials for login to (previously

Full documentation for fractopo is found here:

Use the full documentation to find out more about the different analysis methods and e.g. validation error explanations. The guidance below is meant to be a detailed workflow on setting up fractopo specifically on and running a basic set of validation and analysis i.e. getting started with fractopo without prior Python or command-line experience.


  1. Go to and log in with your credentials of choice. E.g.

    • Haka Login -> University of Turku -> Select
    • Virtu -> Government Identification Service -> Select
  2. Click on the Start session button on the right side of the screen for the Jupyter Machine Learning or Geo-Python 2023 environment.

  3. Wait for the environment to be created. The web page should automatically enter the Jupyter Lab environment.

    • You will now be presented with a Jupyter Lab Python environment. This environment is temporary. Default lifetime is 4-8 hours depending on the environment. After leaving/time runs out all data in the environment will be destroyed with the exception of data in the my-work folder of the Geo-Python 2023 environment. Therefore setup must always be performed and results should be downloaded to your local storage.
  4. Click on the + icon in the top left corner.

  5. Under Other, click on Terminal.

  6. We will now install the fractopo Python package to the environment. Copy the following text exactly to the opened terminal prompt and press Enter:

    pip install fractopo==0.6.0
    • The installation will take some time.
  7. After installation is finished, congratulations, you may now use fractopo to validate and analyze trace map data.

Uploading data to the environment

Next-up you probably want to upload some data to the environment for validation and analysis.

  1. Click on the up-arrow symbol in the top left corner. You may hover over the symbols to find the right one (Upload Files).
  2. You can now select files to upload. You cannot directly upload directories (You can make new directories directly in the environment by clicking on the folder+ symbol.)
  3. Trace validation and analysis both require a file with traces and a file with a target area.

Trace validation

Trace validation doesn't require interaction within the notebook and can instead be done from the terminal, the same window we used to install fractopo.

  1. If you don't have the terminal open, open a new one (click on + symbol -> Terminal). You can clear a terminal of outputs by typing clear and pressing enter.

  2. To make sure the command is installed and working, paste the following to the terminal and press enter:

    fractopo tracevalidate --help
    • If the command works you will see a brief description of the tracevalidate tool/subcommand.
    • If the command throws an error, try closing the terminal and opening a new terminal and trying again. If it still does not work, repeat the Setup process from earlier.
  3. The tracevalidate tool requires passing the trace and area data in the following way:

    fractopo tracevalidate TRACE_FILE AREA_FILE
    • Additionally the tool should be supplied with a few options:
    fractopo tracevalidate TRACE_FILE AREA_FILE --snap-threshold 0.001
    • --snap-threshold represents the snapping threshold the data has been digitized with in meters (depends on coordinate system) i.e. 0.001 equals to 1 mm. For drone orthophotography data in ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system values between 0.01 and 0.001 are usually fine. You may/should experiment if your data differs in source and coordinate system.
  4. To summarize, paste the following code to the terminal and replace TRACE_FILE and AREA_FILE with paths to your data files, e.g.:

    fractopo tracevalidate traces.gpkg target_area.gpkg --snap-threshold 0.001
    • If your files are in a folder, prefix the path with the folder name e.g.:
    fractopo tracevalidate MYFOLDER/traces.gpkg MYFOLDER/target_area.gpkg --snap-threshold 0.001
    • You can tab-complete file paths on the terminal window by pressing <Tab> with a partial or empty filename. E.g. if your traces are in a file named traces.gpkg you can type tr and press <Tab> to autocomplete the filename. If there are colliding filenames e.g., traces_2.gpkg in the same directory the completion will only occur until the common path between the files.
    • Press Enter to run the command (as usual).
  5. The tool will create a new folder in the same folder as the trace data with the validated data when finished.

    • Folder name is validated_DAY_MONTH_YEAR_HOUR_MIN.
    • You should look at the summary data printed on the terminal screen after the tool has finished to determine if and how the data is invalid.
  6. Fixing validated data should be done on your GIS-software of choice.

  7. Data can be downloaded from the environment by right-clicking on files/folders in the file explorer on the left and selecting Download.

    • The validated traces data contains a new column with the validation errors. After fixing the data, re-upload it to the same (or new environment) and try validation again.
    • See for explanations of validation errors.
    • SHARP TURNS errors are not major and do not have to be fixed but other errors are typically destructive in further analysis and the data may error in the analysis section.
  8. If the trace data passed validation, you may go to the analysis section.

Trace network analysis

Trace network analysis can either be done in a notebook or using the command-line, similarly to trace validation.

Note that the validation step does some automatic fixes to the trace data including converting all MultiLineStrings to LineStrings. Consequently, you either need to use the output of the validated version in network analysis or make sure you save the trace data with geometries as LineStrings in your GIS-software of choice. Network analysis will fail if MultiLineStrings are in the trace data.

Analysis using the command-line

General instructions for using the command-line from the trace validation section (Trace validation) above apply also here for e.g. <Tab> completion.

  1. If you don't have the terminal open, open a new one (click on + symbol -> Terminal). You can clear a terminal of outputs by typing clear and pressing enter.

  2. To make sure the command is installed and working, paste the following to the terminal and press enter:

    fractopo network --help
  3. The network tool requires passing the trace and area data in the following way:

    fractopo network TRACE_FILE AREA_FILE
    • Additionally the tool should be supplied with a few options:
    fractopo network TRACE_FILE AREA_FILE --snap-threshold 0.001 --determine-branches-nodes --name NAME
    • --determine-branches-nodes enables determination of the
      topology including defining the branches and nodes of the trace data.
    • --name NAME will be used to define the name used in e.g. figure titles.
    • Use fractopo network --help to see full listing of options that can be used.
  4. To summarize, paste the following code to the terminal and replace TRACE_FILE and AREA_FILE with paths to your data files and NAME with a name for your trace data. e.g.:

    fractopo network traces.gpkg target_area.gpkg --snap-threshold 0.001 --determine-branches-nodes --name NAME
  5. The tool will create a new folder in the current folder with the analysis results.

    • Folder name is NAME_outputs.

Analysis in a notebook

I've prepared a template notebook that you can simply fill with your trace and area data paths and some analysis will be performed by then just simply running the notebook without further edits.

First we must download the template notebook repository with git.

  1. Open a new terminal and paste in the following text:

    git clone --depth 1
    • This will clone a repository from the address specified to the environment.
    • The repository will be in a fractopo-help directory.
  2. If you do not see the file browser at the left of the screen, open it with the folder symbol at the very left of the screen.

  3. Navigate to the fractopo-help directory by double-clicking.

    • You can press the small folder icon to return to base working directory if you've navigated to some other folder already.
  4. Copy the network.ipynb and network_no_topology.ipynb to your working folder.

    • Right click file to Copy.
    • Right click in directory to Paste.
    • Note that after copying the notebooks, the paths to the default data (KB11) included in the fractopo-help repository are no longer valid and you must supply paths to your own data to run the notebooks.
  5. Double-click on the network.ipynb notebook file in your working folder. (Or network_no_topology.ipynb if you want to analyse data that is topologically invalid.)

  6. Navigate to the Data section.

    • The cell with:
    trace_data = ""
    area_data = ""
    name = ""
    • Is the starting section for analysis. Follow the guidance within the notebook itself to complete the network analysis.
    • You can tab-complete within quotes for filepaths in the notebook as well.
  7. After filling the data section, you can run the notebook from the beginning by pressing the Restart the kernel and run all cells button at the top of the notebook. The button has a double arrow symbol pointing to the right.

Final notes

  • The environment is temporary. Download all results when you are finished.
  • If you want to rerun analyses from the notebook, you should usually use the Restart Kernel and Run All Cells... option at the top of the notebook as this will take care of cleaning previous output directories through code at the start of the notebook.
  • Target area geometry type for network analysis must be a Polygon or MultiPolygon. Multiple geometries are allowed.
  • Issues related to the guidance provided here can be posted in
  • Issues that you believe are related to fractopo functionality can be posted here

Guide changes


Use new website for notebooks (


fractopo version locked to 0.6.0. Updated documentation to fit changes of fractopo and


fractopo version locked to 0.2.5. Fixed length distribution description attribute call.


fractopo version locked to 0.2.3. Added notebook for analysing trace data when you do not want to determine topological properties of the trace network due to e.g. topologically invalid data. The notebook allows trace length distributions and azimuth rose plotting.


fractopo version locked to 0.2.1 and tracevalidate is now a subcommand of fractopo. Look carefully at new example commands and run fractopo --help and fractopo tracevalidate --help to see always up-to-date available commands and help.