This project is discontinued and has moved to nicamoq/SuroADB-Lite:
Note: Only applies to SuroADB 12.1 and up. Previous versions of SuroADB rely on pastebin as their download server.
Official website:
Information on files:
(LIVE) - This means that SuroADB's latest version relies on it. Right now.
FINAL - If a release or file has this description, it refers to a final build of a SuroADB version
SuroADB (Raw).bat
This is the main SuroADB RAW Source Code. Updates frequently and requires a third-party bat-to-exe conversion software to work properly.
Basically the latest version of SuroADB Beta, but without the pre-compiled adb resources. This can
be delivered on-the-fly to the new SuroADB BETA Update UI without additional manual download on this page. When downloaded and succesfully set up with the BETA UI, SuroADB will automatically start this version.
This is the latest SuroADB BETA Release. Updates in unison with the RAW script and perhaps the SuroADB!Beta client too. It is recommended to download this after certain pre-compiled files are updated due to this containing the latest version of those files.
Logs of every changes made on a SuroADB Beta script.
sroadbdb.bat (LIVE)
Latest comparison database that is always downloaded by SuroADB's update checker. This can help auto correct errors when inputs are made.
sroadbupdate (Raw).bat
Latest RAW Source Code of SuroADB's very own update checker. Partaining to SuroADB 13 BETA B, the update checker now relies on a single file to fetch client version and then compare that to updatechk.bat
updatechk.bat (LIVE)
Contains new version information and description. Always downloaded by SuroADB's update checker.