This action installs and activates Red Gate SmartAssembly with a serial number provided by the action user. It places the command line tool
on the system path. The serial number is automatically deactivated on cleanup so that it may be reused.
It is recommended to mount a fileshare where SmartAssembly can save its map files. This path is specified in the SmartAssembly Database in the Information table, under the MapFolderNetworkPath column.
- A SQL Server database is required for use with SmartAssembly.
- A SmartAssembly Professional license.
- nuget.exe must be on the path before this action runs, in order to retrieve the RedGate.SmartAssembly.Installer package. This can be done by running the
action before this action.
- uses: nichevision/setup-smartassembly@v1
connectionstring: 'Data Source=${{ secrets.SMARTASSEMBLY_DATABASE_HOST }};Initial Catalog=${{ secrets.SMARTASSEMBLY_DATABASE_NAME }};uid=${{ secrets.SMARTASSEMBLY_DATABASE_USER }};password=${{ secrets.SMARTASSEMBLY_DATABASE_PASS }};'
db-server: ${{ secrets.SMARTASSEMBLY_DATABASE_HOST }}
serial-number: ${{ secrets.SMARTASSEMBLY_SERIAL_NUMBER }}
version: ''
- shell: powershell
run: | /build <path_to_saproj>