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This is a demo Laravel project for Lambda School. It is a "reverse job board" where potential employers can find Lambda School students to join their teams.


Follow these steps to get set up. If you get stuck, please refer to the Laravel installation documentation.

  1. Make sure you have Composer and Laravel Valet installed.
    • If you didn't have Valet installed, make sure you run the park command.
  2. Clone this repository to your machine.
  3. Run composer install and npm install in the cloned directory.
  4. Duplicate .env.example and rename it .env
  5. Update your .env file's database configuration, the MAIL_DRIVER using a account, APP_NAME, and APP_URL.
  6. Generate your application key by running php artisan key:generate in the root of your project.
  7. Check that everything is working by running the test suite with vendor/bin/phpunit in the root of your project.
  8. Populate the database with dummy data by running php artisan migrate:fresh --seed in the root of your project.
  9. If you use the default Valet settings, navigate to http://lambda-laravel-demo.test to view the project.

Need Help?

If you're a Lambda School student and you need some help, please reach out to me on Slack.

If you're not a Lambda School student, then feel free to reach out on Twitter or make an issue.

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A demo Laravel project for Lambda School







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