This is an implementation of Multiparty Session Types in Rust.
The sesstype
crate contains core data structures and utility functions
to model and manipulate a multiparty session type language.
The best way to build this library is by Rust's cargo
package manager.
$ cargo build
See the documentation for details usage.
$ cargo doc --open
Given the following source code (with the correct dependencies):
extern crate sesstype;
fn main() {
let alice = sesstype::Role::new("Alice"); // Alice role
let bob = sesstype::Role::new("Bob"); // Bob role
// Creates an interaction between alice and bob (without message/continuation)
let g0 = sesstype::global::Type::interaction(&alice, &bob);
let global_type = sesstype::global::Type::add_message(
sesstype::Message::new("lab"), // Message (with "lab" as label)
sesstype::global::Type::end(), // Continuation
let local_type = sesstype::project(&global_type, &bob);
match local_type {
Some(l) => {
println!("Global type G: {}", global_type.to_string());
println!("Local Type G@Bob: {}", l.to_string());
None => println!("Cannot project: {}", global_type.to_string()),
Should give the following output:
$ cargo run
Global type G: Alice → Bob:lab().end
Local Type G@Bob: Bob?lab().end
Alternative way of using the library is through a simple type language with the grammar:
ident = [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*
role = ident
message = ident payload
payload = "()"
| "(" ident ")"
global = role "->" role ":" interact
| recur
| typevar
| end
interact = sendrecv | "{" sendrecv ("," sendrecv)+ "}"
sendrecv = message "." global
recur = "*" ident "." global
typevar = ident
end = "end"
local = role "&" branch
| role "+" select
| lrecur
| ltypevar
| end
branch = recv | "{" recv ("," recv)+ "}"
recv = "?" message "." local
select = send | "{" send ("," send)+ "}"
send = "!" message "." local
lrecur = "*" ident "." local
ltypevar = ident
lend = "end"
This program parses an input string, then re-parses the output global type:
extern crate sesstype;
let input = String::from("*T . A -> B: { l().T, l2(int).end }");
let (global, _registry) = sesstype::parser::parse_global_type(input.clone()).unwrap();
let parsed = global.to_string();
let (reparsed, registry) = sesstype::parser::parse_global_type(parsed.clone()).unwrap();
// Project for A
let role_a = registry.find_role_str("A").unwrap();
let local = sesstype::project(&reparsed, &role_a).unwrap();
"Projected (for A):\n\t{}\n",
This is one of the expected output (because branches order in interactions are non-deterministic):
*T . A -> B: { l().T, l2(int).end }
μT.A → B:{ l().T, l2(int).end }
μT.A → B:{ l().T, l2(int).end }
Projected (for A):
μT.A⊕{ !l().T, !l2(int).end }
sesstype is licensed under the Apache License.